July 25, 2019

Judge supports Trump move to limit asylum; hours later an Obama-appointee reversed him, so open borders again

The Deep State is absolutely determined to give the Democrats the open-borders they demand.  To do this they'll file lawsuit after lawsuit until they find a judge who will rule for their open-borders demand.

Latest example:  The Trump administration proposed a rule change intended to reduce the number of foreigners who apply for "asylum" in the U.S.  Before the ink was dry on that proposal, Democrats pushing for open borders filed suit to have the rule blocked.

Amazingly, a federal judge in D.C. ruled that the government had the absolute right to change the rule as proposed.

Within literally hours of that decision the NY Times wrote that this ruling was merely "temporary," "until it could be reversed by a higher court."  Amazingly, the Times nailed it, as just hours ago a U.S. district judge/asshole/gay, Obama-appointed for the Northern District of California--the Constitution-hating Jon Tigar--overruled the D.C. judge.

Cool, eh?  So we're back to open borders again.

And the Democrats are laughing their asses off at once again blocking a Trump effort to secure our borders.  Cuz according to Dems, "diversity is our greatest strength."



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