July 30, 2019

Dem presidential candidate shows his grasp of economic issues, says economy is AWFUL

After the big nothing of Mueller's report ("no evidence of Russian collusion") all the Democrat party leaders have neatly pivoted to calling trump a raaacist.  Or sometimes a "heinous racist."  Here's Dem presidential candidate Jay Inslee explaining that Trump...well let's let ol' Jay speak for himself:

Donald Trump is a failed president on the economy. He has failed to produce auto industry jobs in Flint. He has failed to bring back jobs in the coal industry and this is a distraction. His blatant, evil, heinous racism is an attempt to distract us from our mission statement which should unify this country and give people economic opportunities that they deserve.
Yeah, sure would be great if Americans were being given "economic opportunities that they deserve," eh?   Cuz this disastrously high unemployment rate--especially for minorities--and the ailing, anemic stock market, and the soaring numbers of Americans who are being forced onto food stamps, and selling body parts or illegal drugs or their children just to keep up with increases in the monthly cost of Netflix and DirectTV... I mean, where will it end?

There's only one thing to do, citizens!  We must vote to give the Democrats the presidency and control of both houses of congress in 2020! 


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