NY Times: America MUST allow unlimited illegal immigration...as punishment for past sins! Uh, no.
The New York Times recently published
an op-ed advancing a rather peculiar argument--even for them: Author Suketu Mehta argues that the West should open its borders to everyone from the Third
World--as a punishment for having had colonies.
Mehta demands that the West accept 12
million African laborers--a number he calculates is one for every African "enslaved by the
colonialists of the past."
Most pro-illegal-immigration activists are clever enough to disguise their malice toward western nations as sympathy
for “refugees”--many of whom are in fact economic migrants seeking a
better life. But occasionally the mask will slip, showing
that the pro-illegals are motivated at least as much by resentment towards the
destination countries as they are by compassion for migrants.
Dem Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi claims that all
restrictions on migration are motivated by xenophobia; that borders and walls are
immoral, and Western countries are morally
obligated to accept an unlimited number of migrants because of past sins.
And yet the lying mainstream media allow Pelosi to claim "But we
don’t really want open borders.”
It's crap, of course. But not a single Mainstream Media outlet points this out.
America’s so-called "elites" are pushing this narrative: Journalists, academics, entertainers are all popularizing anti-American histories to justify their demands.
No one denies that legal immigrants have been beneficial to American history and society. But until recently, immigration has been understood as something that should occur within legal and reasonable limits. The privilege of being able to immigrate to this nation always has been regarded as just that: a privilege. Immigrants would be vetted and accepted as American citizens, with certain expectations. They would assimilate into our society and pledge loyalty to their new home. They would learn English and be good neighbors and citizens.
But for the last few decades of illegals, this is no longer true. Leftists are pushing lawlessness and replacing gratitude and respect with the notion of entitlement, and punishing America for imagined past sins.
Leftists now claim immigration is a universal human right and that it's immoral to restrict it in any way. You see this in their catch-phrases, like “No human is illegal.”
This academic narrative dismisses the Founders as racists, discrediting their astonishing wisdom, and efforts to build a lasting constitutional republic. Today’s students don't learn about what made America great and unique, but about what Leftists claim is wrong with America.
In this narrative, immigration comes with no obligation whatsoever for the immigrant.
It’s not hard to imagine why millions of Americans recognize this as crap. And when that happens, the "elites" fall back on lying, to deceive Americans into believing that unlimited mass illegal immigration is actually in their interest.
If soothing lies don't convince Americans, the next tactic is threats: "Nobody wants open borders, but even if that were true, you deserve it, you bigot."
H/T "American Greatness."
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