Do illegal alien invaders have every right that American citizens have?
One of the big questions facing the U.S. today is, Do illegal alien invaders have every right that American citizens have?
Democrats, liberals, the ACLU and other leftists say they do.
Think about that for a moment: They want illegals to be able to vote. To get Social Security even if they've just arrived. To get "free" (i.e. taxpayer-paid) medical care.
Is that something you want? Hey, don't worry your head about it, cuz the Dems are gonna make those decisions for ya.
Is this a great system or what? You don't have to do anything, and your betters will decide what your governments--both federal and state--will do with your tax dollars.
Of course current U.S. law doesn't give illegal alien invaders all the rights of U.S. citizens: they're not allowed to vote in federal elections, or draw Social Security. But the Dems--with their usual cunning--have pushed the sharp edge of the wedge into us by allowing illegals to vote in state and local elections--something the feds can't control.
Clever, eh? And both New York and Cali give illegals drivers' licenses, making it that much easier for them to register to vote. (It's called "Motor Voter." Google it. In California, everyone who gets a driver's license is automatically registered to vote UNLESS THE APPLICANT DECLINES.
How many illegals do you suppose decline to be registered? How many even know they've just BEEN registered to vote if they didn't opt out? Clever, eh?
This question of whether illegal aliens are entitled to the same rights as American citizens is crucial to a case that was just decided last Friday: the ACLU had filed suit against the Trump administration DEMANDING that illegal alien minors have the right to an abortion.
Of course most adults know that in this great country anyone can sue anyone else for anything. So the mere fact that the ACLU sued the administration doesn't worry most people.
Yeah. Except last Friday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Washington, D.C. circuit ruled in favor of the ACLU, claiming that the Trump administration violated the "right" of illegal minors to an abortion.
Now: One can make an excellent case for allowing under-age illegal immigrants to have an abortion. My objection to the D.C. circuit's ruling for the ACLU in its lawsuit is that this is just one more step toward giving illegals exactly the same rights as American citizens.
If that's what you want, continue to vote Democrat.
Of course if that's NOT what you want, you can't do jack about it--because unelected federal judges have made that decision for you--as they will with every other decision on key questions about the future of this once-great nation.
Oh, and for those who aren't aware: Federal judges have already ruled that an underage American citizen has the absolute right to an abortion without parental consent, and even without notifying her parents. Again, one can make a case for this, but the point is...did you know that? Did you even IMAGINE such a ruling would be possible?
Democrats, liberals, the ACLU and other leftists say they do.
Think about that for a moment: They want illegals to be able to vote. To get Social Security even if they've just arrived. To get "free" (i.e. taxpayer-paid) medical care.
Is that something you want? Hey, don't worry your head about it, cuz the Dems are gonna make those decisions for ya.
Is this a great system or what? You don't have to do anything, and your betters will decide what your governments--both federal and state--will do with your tax dollars.
Of course current U.S. law doesn't give illegal alien invaders all the rights of U.S. citizens: they're not allowed to vote in federal elections, or draw Social Security. But the Dems--with their usual cunning--have pushed the sharp edge of the wedge into us by allowing illegals to vote in state and local elections--something the feds can't control.
Clever, eh? And both New York and Cali give illegals drivers' licenses, making it that much easier for them to register to vote. (It's called "Motor Voter." Google it. In California, everyone who gets a driver's license is automatically registered to vote UNLESS THE APPLICANT DECLINES.
How many illegals do you suppose decline to be registered? How many even know they've just BEEN registered to vote if they didn't opt out? Clever, eh?
This question of whether illegal aliens are entitled to the same rights as American citizens is crucial to a case that was just decided last Friday: the ACLU had filed suit against the Trump administration DEMANDING that illegal alien minors have the right to an abortion.
Of course most adults know that in this great country anyone can sue anyone else for anything. So the mere fact that the ACLU sued the administration doesn't worry most people.
Yeah. Except last Friday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Washington, D.C. circuit ruled in favor of the ACLU, claiming that the Trump administration violated the "right" of illegal minors to an abortion.
Now: One can make an excellent case for allowing under-age illegal immigrants to have an abortion. My objection to the D.C. circuit's ruling for the ACLU in its lawsuit is that this is just one more step toward giving illegals exactly the same rights as American citizens.
If that's what you want, continue to vote Democrat.
Of course if that's NOT what you want, you can't do jack about it--because unelected federal judges have made that decision for you--as they will with every other decision on key questions about the future of this once-great nation.
Oh, and for those who aren't aware: Federal judges have already ruled that an underage American citizen has the absolute right to an abortion without parental consent, and even without notifying her parents. Again, one can make a case for this, but the point is...did you know that? Did you even IMAGINE such a ruling would be possible?
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