June 21, 2019

Some info relevant to your vote in 2018

As most of you know, the world is a complex place.  Lotsa things going on all the time, and if you're trying to hold down a job and raise kids there's just not enough time left to keep up with everything that's going on.

So I'd like to call your attention to one such thing--one that most Americans don't think much about:  how far the leaders of the Democrat party, their candidates and their supporters have gone toward flat-out communism.

Ah, I hear my liberal PhD friend saying "That's nonsense!  Tinfoil-hat stuff!  Fake news!  Democrats totally support freedom and the right of people to make their own choices!"

Really?  Maybe 50 years ago, but today they've totally sold out to the idea of "giving" voters "free" stuff.  Of course, as should be obvious to any rational being, there's no such thing as "free" stuff.  Everything costs, and Dems are deliberately lying when they say any of their dozens of promised "free" things are free.  Sooner or later the entire cost of all these wonderful "free" bennies is paid by taxpayers.

Problem is, for decades the federal gruberment has spent more than it takes in in taxes and other revenue.  The shortfall between what we've been spending and total revenue is covered by borrowing the money--lots of it from China.  The average is something around half a trillion bucks every year.

That's bad.  Really, really bad.  So you'd think it wouldn't be a good idea to push proposals that would vastly RAISE federal spending.  But take a look at the proposals being pushed by virtually EVERY Dem presidential candidate:
  1. "Medicare for all" (i.e. "free" health care)
  2. "Free child care"
  3. "Free" college for everyone
  4. "Forgiveness of student loans" (i.e. taxpayers would repay student loans for borrowers)
  5. Opening our borders to everyone (i.e. provding total support to tens of millions of aliens)
  6. "Reparations" (taxpayers write a check to every black person in the U.S., cuz slavery was once legal in the U.S.
In addition, Dems also support policies designed to ensure they'll win every presidential election, and every case that goes to the Supreme Court:

      7.  Changing the way we elect presidents to the winner of the national popular vote;
      8.  Increasing the number of judges on the Supreme Court from 9 to 15 or more
    Surely you knew about all these Dem proposals, right?

    What?  You'd only heard of one or two?  Why, how could that be?  They'd be so astonishingly costly--not to mention anti-American--that you'd think all the "media" would be shouting the obvious warnings every day on their front pages, or top of their broadcasts.

    You'd think competent reporters would be asking these dumb-ass, pandering, vote-buying pols to provide a detailed explanation of how they'd pay for any and all of these things.  But of course the media is totally Dem-loving, so they'll never ask the obvious questions.

    But it's okay, citizen:  Money isn't real, simply a tool used by the eeebil capitalist patriarchy to oppress da masses.  Besides, if a gruberment needs more money it just prints as much as it needs, without any consequences, right?

    Uh...no.  When government print money simply at their whim, you get inflation.  In Venezuela inflation has been running close to 100 percent every year.  Meaning prices double every year!

    Wait...did I say inflation was running 100 percent?  Oh, my bad:  That should be one MILLION percent per year.  Seriously.  Which instantly destroys the value of any savings--cuz a thousand bolivars today will be worth two centavos next week.

    But hey, don't worry about any of this complicated "finance" stuff, citizen!  Leave it to the experts, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 29-year-old Democrat prodigy who's the main theoretician behind the "Green New Deal."  After all, only experts can understand things like finances.  All us little people have to do is pay taxes and be sure to use the "right" pronouns when addressing important snowflakes.

    So vote Democrat, so people like AOC can keep us on the right path.


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