November 05, 2018

Man “identifying” as female wins women’s world cycling championship

So what kind of screwy semi-man would want to compete against women in a strength or endurance sport?  Where's the glory in that?

This clueless f*ck previously complained about event organizers making transgender competitors--him--scale back their testosterone to compete.  Not sure what's up with that cuz you'd think trannies would be loading up with estrogen, not testosterone, but point is that not only is he a screwy snowflake, he's whiny too.

And it gets worse:  After some questions from reporters along the lines of "Do you think this is realy fair?" he was quoted as saying, “Focusing on performance advantage is largely irrelevant because this is a rights issue. We shouldn’t be worried about trans people taking over the Olympics. We should be worried about their fairness and human rights instead.”

Hey snowflake, what about being fair to the biological women in the competition?  Clearly he doesn't have a problem with THAT kind of unfairness.  Just unfairness to men identifying as women.

This is complete bullshit.  And not only should people be angry at him, the anger should also be equally on the communist-leftist-shithead *organizers* of the event, who deliberately--with malice aforethought--let this man compete as a woman.  The snowflake has a stake in winning, but the organizers should have known better.  Sanity should have prevailed over P-C virtue-signalling.

One wonders how the U.S. and other so-called "advanced" nations fell off the cliff so quickly, into this insane state of affairs.  And of course the Dems will tell you it's Donald Trump's fault.

No, wait...Republicans in congress pushed this!  Yeh, dat's da ticket! 

Of course it's not:  The liberals/ Democrats/ socialists/ professional whiners own this 100 percent, just like they own open borders, "sanctuary cities" and states, letting illegal aliens vote, giving junkies needles and paying medics to stand by ready to give 'em the antidote if they overdose.  What a great use of public funds!

Insane.  Sure wish we could figure out who orchestrated all this insanity.


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