July 20, 2018

Little dictators in Pennsylvania threaten to fina a couple $500 per DAY for...holding Bible studies on their farm!

How bad have things gotten in the U.S.?  You don't wanna know.

As most of you know, the First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees to all American citizens the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to assemble peaceably.  By the principle of "supremacy" (the legal principle that federal law overrules states and cities), "officials" in subsidiary levels of gruberment [note 1] supposedly aren't permitted to abrogate or infringe on these rights.

The asshole officials in the borough of Sewickley Heights, PA, aren't clear on this concept.  When these little Hitlers discovered that a local couple (the Fetterolfs) were [gasp!!] holding Bible study meetings on their 35-acre farm, they threatened the couple with a fine of $500 PER DAY if they continued.  The threat reportedly contained detailed provisions of activities the city assholes deemed illegal, including hosting Bible study in their home, having meetings where religious songs are sung, conducting any "religious retreats" for church members, or holding fundraisers for religious purposes.

The Independence Law Center has sued the borough on their behalf:  It should be interesting to see if the borough Hitlers show up in court to defend, or fold.  If I were an attorney I would LOVE to litigate this case.

One wag noted that the couple could have avoided all criticism by the town Hitlers if they'd simply told the Hitlers they were studying the Koran or the Communist Manifesto.  The Hitlers would have been scared to death to mess with either.

Note 1:  "Gruberment" is a pejorative term for a government that's totally out of control--can't be controlled even by the president.  It's essentially lawless and corrupt from top to bottom, like the FBI under Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Chris Wray and Rod Rosenstein.  It's named after Jonathan Gruber, a smug, lying PhD who was the main, lying architect of Obamacare. 

Gruber's infamy is due to his saying several times that everyone working on the thing knew that the loudly-touted "advantages" of Obamacare were lies, and that it would cost far more than Obama and minions were telling the public.  In fact, Gruber said the drafters deliberately wrote the bill in confusing language specifically to make it almost impossible for ordinary voters to understand what was being done.  Also, to make it harder for the Congressional Budget Office to correctly estimate the cost.

Gruber also claimed that they only were able to get it passed due to the stupidity of the average voter.  Seriously, he actually said that.  And the audience--composed of other PhD's and economists-- laughed uproariously!

H/T Moonbattery.https://moonbattery.com/bible-study-meetings-forbidden-on-pennsylvania-farm/


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