Guess what these people say they're doing

The people in the pic above are "exercising their freedom of speech." They're doing that by burning an American flag, just like the communist demonstrators of the 1970s. Cuz as they see it, the U.S. is eeeebil and they hate having to live here.
Since they didn't bring a flag with 'em, they stole it off a pickup truck. They felt totally justified in doing this because, as Comrade Marx said "All private property is theft." So they "liberated it."
Perhaps I was too harsh. After all, some may claim there are other reasons why they're burning the flag, like...
- They hate America and everything it stands for; or
- They hate whites and everything whites hold dear; or
- They're "triggered" by seeing flags with red and white stripes?; or
- They're "defending Maxine Waters.
You may well wonder who they believed they were defending Mad Maxine from. Good question. Answer is, against whites.
Say what?
Well, turns out that after Mad Maxine called for her supporters to harass any member of the Trump administration who had the gall to go out to dinner or to a store or a gas station (her exact words were "make their lives miserable"), a few white columnists thought this was...I know you'll be surprised...just a tiny bit over the top. So did any of the columnists (all white) suggest, oh, say, killing Waters? Hanging her? Cutting her head off?
Not even close, sparky. A couple did write columns suggesting that the level of hate Maxine was spounting was likely to further inflame her already crazed followers, and they suggested she might wanna stop with the firebrand speeches. And a group planned to stage a protest outside one of her California offices.
"SEE??!! SEE??!! Doze people be threatenin' ouah Maxine! So we needs to go protek her!!"
So they showed up--two of em wearing T-shirts saying "REVOLUTION, NOTHING LESS!!"--and burned the flag.
So let's see if we can predict where this goes. Which of the following analyses seems most likely to ya?
- The people in the pic aren't nearly as angry as their faces look, but are probably just bored, or maybe being paid by the Democrat Socialists of America, so this is essentially a nothing; or
- They're just as mad as their faces look, but as months and then years pass without Trump throwing demonstrators in jail, or deporting actual U.S. citizens (as the Dems shriek), they'll cool off; or
- They're as angry as they look, but once they go home and realize black unemployment is at an all-time low, they'll realize there's no reason to start shooting anyone; or
- They're furious, and because the Media and Dems constantly scream how totally awful life in the U.S. is for blacks, and how totally unfair--ignoring that we just got done with 8 years of a black president--kinda demolishing the whole "unfair/can't get to the top" bulshit, eh? They remember seeing murals of a faceless hand cutting off Trump's head--one or two will start shooting. Cuz, "REVOLUTION, NOTHING LESS," comrade!
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