Obama pushes "guaranteed income" in overseas speech; Dems are already ecstatic about it
Today the most faaabulous emperor ever to masquerade as a president of the U.S.--former emperor Barack Hussein Obama--gave a speech in Johannesburg, South Africa.
To the surprise of no one, the emperor pushed the current hot talking points of the Left -- including speaking favorably about proposals for what Leftists have cunningly labeled a "guaranteed income."
If you've never heard of the ocialists'/Democrats' "guaranteed income" proposal--also called "universal basic income"--don't feel bad. You spend virtually all your waking hours working or raising your kids, leaving precious little time to investigate the latest "gimmeedat" scams of the socialists. Perfectly understandable.
"Guaranteed income" is welfare for everyone. The Dems would give, say, $2000 per month to all the drunks and stoners who might otherwise have to get a (gasp!) job--like the rest of us-- to keep themselves in beer and weed.
From the Dems' standpoint "guaranteed income" is almost a perfect program: It buys 'em millions of votes, demonstrates their wonderful virtue to other Dems, and will take money away from other, more questionable uses of taxpayer funds like, oh, national defense. If they could just tie in "open borders" and gun confiscation it would be perfect, but I understand they're working on it.
Now I hear some of you saying "I thought my Econ professor said something about 'Anytime you subsidize something, you get ______ of it.' But I can't recall whether you got more or less of it."
Oh come on. Everyone know that when you subsidize something, you get...wait, let me try again--because most Democrats apparently do NOT know what goes in that blank. Cuz if they did, they couldn't possibly think giving people a "guaranteed income" was a good idea.
The answer, as you all knew, is you get more of it. Which means millions more people saying "To hell with that low-wage job. With "guaranteed income" I don't need it, so I'd rather sit around and get [drunk/stoned/whatever] all day instead of being a dummy and having to get up at 9am and go to work."
As you can guess, that reasoning works extremely well for the Dems.
Okay, you think they can't possibly be seriously proposing that, right? It's just too obviously a recipe for disaster, right? Only an idiot would...Well, hold on a sec, cuz at least a few Dems and socialists almost certainly KNOW what a disaster that would be, but they're pushing it anyway. What does that tell ya?
The city council of Stockton, California--with the total support of its new, young, charismatic black mayor--has already approved such a program for their cash-rich city. Oh wait, Stockton isn't remotely flush with cash. But don't worry, citizen: If you're a Democrat, tax money is an abstraction, like, say, the Constitution. Or ethical, law-abiding FBI officials. Or truth.
Okay, I'll admit that in small-ish towns like Stockton, five council-creeps can go nuts and vote to repeal the law of gravity, and eventually they'll figure it out. Ah, well, except...
Now a much bigger Democrat-ruled crap-hole is considering this idea: Chicago.
Point is that the idea has captivated Mainstream Thinkers in the Democrat party. Which means that like socialized medicine (i.e. ordinary citizens get the faaabulous level of medical care offered by the Veterans' Administration), they're not just gonna give up on this, but will continue to push it til they get their way.
So back to the emperor's speech. In the time-honored method of propagandists everywhere, he started by stating well-known truths about the value of getting and keeping a job:
"It's not just money a job provides," Obama said. "It provides dignity and structure and a sense of place and a sense of purpose. So we're going to have to consider new ways of thinking about these problems...So far it sounds totally unobjectionable, right? But just after the last word above, he shows the true colors:
...like a universal income, review of our work week, how we retrain our young people, how we make everybody an entrepreneur at some level.Told ya. If the Emperor is pushing this absurd crap, all the "cool kids" in congress and the media talking heads will jump on the bandwagon right away, adoringly. Slobberingly. Cuz they loooove the man they call the greatest president in history. (Seriously, at least a dozen commenters a day on Democrat sites say that.)
Yeah, I know--hard to believe.
So...be sure to vote Democrat, so we can get "guaranteed income" rammed thru on the federal level, so the hard-working community organizers won't have to ram it thru each of the 57 states [sic; Obama said that] individually. Cuz that's just inefficient, eh?
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