June 09, 2018

Liberal city mayor orders his cops to stop arresting marijuana sellers, because...can you guess?

The liberal/Democrat demand that every outcome be absolutely racially equal is a prescription for disaster, including loss of freedom and the certainty of totalitarian rule.  Nevertheless, they persist, as shown by a recent vignette from Minneapolis.

One particular block of downtown had become well-known as the place to buy weed.  To make downtown safer, the police chief of Minneapolis had undercover officers buy weed, then arrest the sellers.  This resulted in the arrest of 48 sellers, 47 of whom were black.

This horrified the "Chief Public Defender," Mary Moriarty, who called the mayor demanding the operation be stopped immediately.  And was her reason claims of police misconduct?  Brutality?  Not at all.  The public defender's sole objection was that the operation had disproportionately arrested black sellers.
“Approaching black men and women who are low income and homeless and then having the county attorney charge them with felony drug sales makes me very angry.” --Mary Moriarty 

The mayor, as every good Democrat pol would, immediately ordered his police chief (who happens to be black) to stop the "sting" operation, lamenting “the fact that racial disparities are so common nationwide in the enforcement of marijuana laws."

Instantly reading the signals, the county attorney quickly issued a statement saying he'd told the police chief that he would no longer file charges against people arrested in the stings and that he was reviewing the remaining cases.  An hour later his office notified Mary Moriarty that he was dismissing all the remaining cases.

Now, I fully agree that unless a city has no more serious crimes, it's not a cost-effective use of police resources to bust small-scale weed sellers.  But consider the *reasoning* the mayor and the public defender used:  'We have to stop this because it's causing a "disparate result.'*

Using that "reasoning" the city shouldn't be enforcing *any* laws, since that inevitably produces the same "disparate results" used to stop enforcing the law against weed sales.

Again, I'm not saying weed should be illegal, rather that if one uses the same liberal "logic" used in Minneapolis, no law would be enforced.  Of course liberals simply refuse to see that conclusion.

Exactly the same liberal "reasoning" would bar arrests for selling heroin, crack, meth and any other drug.


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