May 21, 2018

Crime and corruption in the nation's 7th-largest city

San Antonio is the seventh-largest city in America.  It's also a hotbed of crime.  According to FBI data (yeah, I know), in 2016 the city had the highest rate of “serious crime” among the country’s 15 largest cities.

In 1993 the city saw more than 1,200 drive-by shootings, many gang-related.  Reported homicides in 2016 were the highest since 1995. San Antonio also has one of the nation’s worst rates of auto theft. In the National Council for Home Safety and Security’s 2018 ranking of Texas cities, San Antonio came in at 215 out of 224, making it “one of the most dangerous cities in the nation.”

What can possibly account for this?  It goes without saying that the city is heavily Democrat and Democrat-ruled.  And predictably, top officials in the police department have long had a policy barring officers from asking detainees about their immigration status.  It's effectively a sanctuary city, with illegals free to go about any kind of business with no fear of the cops.  City leaders seem to favor a laissez-faire style that turns a blind eye to illegal-immigrant offenders, to win votes from the minority community.

For example, police chief William McManus is being investigated by the state's attorney general after he intervened in a case involving a smuggler with a truck carrying 12 illegals.  He ordered his officers to release all 12 illegal immigrants , only detaining the truck driver.

Hey, absolutely no corruption there, citizen.  Just a compassionate police chief who doesn't see any reason to enforce laws he doesn't like.  Move along, citizen.

In 2016 the 2,000 members of the city's police officers' association voted 97% “no confidence” against the chief.  They called for his resignation.  But McManus, with the support of local elected officials, refused to step down.  Not a smidgen of corruption there, citizen.

McManus is not the only questionable figure in San Antonio’s criminal-justice system. Bexar County district attorney Nicholas “Nico” LaHood, a Democrat elected in 2014, was arrested for selling drugs at a gentlemen’s club when he was 21 (he is now 37). 

The Democratic nominee to replace LaHood, Joe Gonzales, has said he favors eliminating cash bonds in all misdemeanor and even nonviolent felony cases.  If you think that's a get-tough-on-crime move, you're naive:  it would allow most criminal defendants to walk out of jail without posting any bond at all.  Needless to say, this guy has the total support of the drug gangs.

Such reforms, like sanctuary-city policies, elevate virtue-signaling to certain voter blocs over public safety.  While elected and appointed officials retire on huge pensions, regular citizens of San Antonio will be pay the price.

And if you don't think this is spreading fast, you've been asleep.  Or you're a good Democrat.


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