January 02, 2018

NPR reports great economic forecast for 2018; never mentions Trump or U.S. economic growth

Many of you may recall how the Lying Mainstream Media predicted total economic disaster if voters were dumb enough to elect Donald Trump.  Morons like NY Times' shill Paul Krugman wrote that if Trump was elected the economy "will never recover."

So of course when the stock market rose almost 25% in the 11 months between Trump's inauguration and the end of the year, and we saw three quarters of growth of 3 percent or more--something never achieved in even one quarter during Obama's 8-year reign--the Media was desperate to counterattack.

And when Trump managed to get a tax-cut bill through congress that immediately induced corporations to give thousand-dollar bonuses to roughly 600,000 employees, the Media doubled down, declaring it a disaster.

So if you're a "reporter" for ultra-liberal, Dem-supporting, Trump-hating National Public Radio and you're looking for one of those "What's in store for 2018?" stories, and the economists you interview forecast not just good news but a *great* economy for the new year, how do you perform "damage control"?

Never fear: NPR can always be counted on to do a great job for the Democrats and tar Republicans.  In this case they posted 800 words on the forecasts for a great economy...without ever mentioning the words "Trump" or "the presidet" or "tax cut"!

After admitting that experts said "Strong growth has helped move the economy to near, or even beyond, full employment," and were forecasting "double-digit returns for the S&P 500," NPR then "explained" the reason.  According to NPR, Trump's policies had nothing to do with it.  Instead,
 "The key reason for such optimism is the growth happening around the world."
Isn't that precious?

And of course they go on to imply that the reason growth was so low under Obama's reign had nothing to do with his policies, but was due to "a crushing global financial crisis that started in 2008."

NPR also cites "tame inflation, low interest rates, low unemployment...pent-up demand for homes, productivity growth and improved consumer confidence."  But wait...what do they think unleashed all that "pent-up demand for homes?"  And the media constantly told you how low unemployment was during the emperor's reign--though the article carefully avoided mentioning that it recently fell to a 17-year low under Trump.  But in any case, what's changed?

NPR says it's because the rest of the world finally recovered from that "crushing global financial crisis that started in 2008."

Oh, one more thing:  the article says Europe "is on track to expand at a decent 2.2 percent in 2018."  So 2.2% expansion is "decent."  If that's true, you'd think NPR would be wildly ecstatic about the 3% growth the U.S. has experienced for the last three quarters of Trump's first year in office.

The article never mentions the fantastic growth rate in the U.S. economy.

But remember, citizen:  You can count on the Mainstream Media to give you unbiased news.  In fact, as the Democrat party tells it, the media actually has a right-wing bias.

Thank heaven for the Internet.

I have lots of reservations about Trump, but it takes a LOT of spin to not mention that his policies have had a VERY positive effect on the U.S. economy.  Fortunately NPR and the rest of the Lying Media are up to the task.


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