December 25, 2017

Still no explanation for why leftwing Politico published bombshell exposing Obama's pro-Iran move

It's been a whole week since the bombshell story published by Politico that emperor Obama quashed an investigation of the terrorist group Hezbollah (variously spelled Hizballah) to avoid angering that group's patron, Iran.

Obama wanted to stay on Iran's "good" side so they'd let him make his infamous "nuclear deal"--the non-treaty treaty--under which the U.S. gave Iran everything in exchange for no-inspection illusory promises to delay their building of nuclear weapons.

Aside from arguing about how accurate the report is, the big question is Why would Politico--a thoroughly Democrat-supporting website--would publish an article at least implicitly criticizing their own emperor--great prezzie ever, healer, uniter, nominated for the Nobel peace prize two days after his inauguration, fabulous strategic thinker, et cetera?

Since it's astronomically unlikely that Politico has switched sides, the only reason I can see for their publishing the bombshell piece is to head off something worse.  Question is, what?


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