December 26, 2017

Timeline of FBI/DOJ conspiracy to prevent Trump from being elected

For seemingly ordinary events outside their immediate reach, the average person has a memory of about ten days.  So when you look at just ten days of the vast FBI/DOJ conspiracy to prevent Trump from being elected (thus to elect Hilliary), you only see a couple of recent points, not even a fraction of the whole picture.

But when you see all the "impossible" events put together in a time-line, it's impossible not to see the real picture.

Blogger Doug Ross has put the time-line together--and it's a *huge* list, with links to the facts confirmed (one assumes reluctantly) by the mainstream media.

The total corruption of Obama's FBI and DOJ--and their effort to prevent Trump from winning, and to impeach him in the astronomically unlikely event Hilliary lost--appears to be the biggest political scandal in the U.S. history.  As far as anyone knows, no outgoing administration has ever attempted to fix the next presidential election to ensure his party won.  That's normally the stuff of third-world countries.  But of course Obama took the United States a long way toward third-world status.

With that, here's Doug's time-line.  I've edited it to explain some items:

June 17, 2011:  In one of the Hilliary emails that wouldn't be released for four more years, from to (James Jacob Sullivan), Clinton tells her staff at the State Department that if they couldn't send classified emails to her via secure fax they were to "turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure."
   In any honest investigation this would have convicted her, since it shows her instructing staffers to remove the "Classified" headers on documents and send them to her unsecured email server.  Comey had to have known this, yet openly testified that a) the only material found on her server was the lowest classification, "confidential;" (which later would be shown to be an outrageous lie) and b) she had no intent to violate the rules for handing classified. 

July and December, 2014:  A reddit user later identified as Paul Combetta asks reddit users for help:
“Hello all.  I may be facing a very interesting situation where I need to strip out a VIP’s (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email that I have both in a live Exchange mailbox, as well as a PST file. Basically, they don’t want the VIP’s email address exposed to anyone. … Does anyone have experience with something like this, and/or suggestions on how this might be accomplished?”  This is only discovered in Sept of 2016, two months before the election.
The timing of Combetta’s two Reddit posts coincides with critical events in the Clinton email saga.  The first, on July 24, 2014, came one day after the House Select Committee on Benghazi and the State Department reached an agreement on producing records. The second, on Dec, 10, 2014, describes a 60-day email retention policy, and came the same month that a longtime Clinton aide requested that their email retention policy be shortened to 60 days.

03/02/15     NY Times reveals Hillary used her own private email server for all official business while she was SecState
03/09/15:   Close Clinton associate Terry McCauliffe meets with the wife of high-level FBI agent Andrew McCabe, Jill, to encourage her to run for the state senate in Virginia.  McCauliffe would later deliver $700,000 from pro-Hilliary donors to Jill McCabe.  Andrew McCabe was an FBI agent who would go on to be Deputy Director, then interim director.  He would later be a key player in de-railing the investigation into Hilliary's emails.
03/12/15:  Three days after meeting with McCauliffe, Jill McCabe announces she'll run for Virginia state senate
06/24/15   Time magazine reports that classified information was found on Clinton’s private, unsecured email server.  Time reports that the "matter" has been "referred to the FBI."

07/15/15   FBI supposedly begins investigating Clinton's use of a private email server for all official State Department business--and charges she "mishandled" classified data.  The so-called investigation is headed by...Andrew McCabe
07/24/15   State Dept. makes "security referral" re classified information possessed by Clinton and associates

07/24/15   After complaints from Clinton campaign, NY Times edits story about email probe, removing all references to "criminal probe"
08/15/15   McCabe uses his official FBI email to promote wife's candidacy for Virginia senate.  This is illegal as hell, and shows McCabe has no worries about being prosecuted for violating federal law.  Hmm....
10/01/15     McCabe's wife starts receiving bulk of $700,000 from Clinton associate Terry McCauliffe's political entities

10/06/15   FBI seizes previously unknown backup of Clinton emails held by Datto, Inc.  If true, the FBI knew--and knows--everything that was on her server.  Yet the "official" Narrative is that no one outside Clinton's campaign knew or knows what the server held, because it was erased by a Clinton lackey "beyond any possibility of forensic recovery."  Hmmm.....
10/15/15  In an event that would remain unknown for two more years, McCabe emails his FBI comrades that Clinton will get an "HQ Special."  Apparently McCabe has never been asked what he meant by that phrase.
10/11/15   On "60 Minutes," Obama says Clinton's private email server did not pose "a national security problem."   That statement is utterly baseless--Obama has no idea what the server contains.  Why would such a canny politician risk ridicule by making such an unsupported statement?  It's a total mystery.

12/21/2015  The Hill's Brent Budowsky emails Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta "Best approach is to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin...
01/15/16     Head of FBI's National Security Division retires; reportedly because he saw Clinton probe "going sideways"

01/19/16   The Inspector-general for the intelligence community reports Clinton's private email server held docs with the *highest classification level.*  This directly contradicts FBI director Comey, who would later testify on national television (July 5th, 2016) that the FBI only found documents with the *lowest* classification ("confidential").
    This alone should have resulted in Comey being prosecuted  for perjury, since he had to have known about the IG's findings, which had been released five months before Comey's nationally-televised testimony.  Shockingly, no one in the intel community ever pointed out Comey's lie to the American public.
     This fact alone shows the fix was in at the very highest levels of government.

01/29/16   FBI director Comey promotes Andrew McCabe to deputy director.  McCabe remains in charge of the "investigation" into Clinton's email server.

03/04/16   **FBI agent Peter Strzok texts his mistress Lisa Page, an FBI attorney, calling Trump "an idiot" whose nomination would be "good for Hillary"**
    The existence of over 10,000 text messages between the two lovers--on their official FBI phones--would not be revealed to the public for another year.  And in yet another sign of the FBI's corruption, when congress ordered the FBI to produce the texts (which should have been saved by the agency's million-dollar computer system), the FBI claimed that the texts had NOT been preserved "due to a malfunction in our system."  This was a lie.

03/19/16   E-mails to and from Democrat operative John Podesta reach WikiLeaks.

04/05/16   FBI "investigator" Strzok interviews key Clinton aide Huma Abedin

04/09/16   FBI "investigator" Strzok interviews Clinton aide Cheryl Mills

04/09/16   Wife of FusionGPS founder Simpson visits White House; she was never asked who she met with or the reason for the visit.

04/12/16   Using money from Clinton's campaign and the Dem National Committee, law firm Perkins Coie hires FusionGPS to dig up dirt on Trump

04/30/16     Democratic National Committee tells FBI their email server was hacked.  FBI offers to examine server but DNC declines, instead hires a private firm--Crowdstrike.  *No government agency has ever been allowed to examine the DNC's server, nor Hilliary's, before she was able to wipe it clean of all data "beyond possibility of forensic recovery."*

05/02/16    FBI director Comey drafts statement exonerating Clinton **before even interviewing Hilliary and other key witnesses** (but no bias at all)

05/03/16   Clinton IT specialist Paul Combetta admits lying to the FBI about erasing Hilliary's server beyond recovery, despite knowing the data had been subpoenaed.  Astonishingly, Combetta is never charged with a crime for destroying data that was under subpoena.

05/05/16   Washington Post reports there is "scant evidence" of any crime by Clinton through use of a private email server (despite finding docs on it with the highest classification).  Amid the growing flood of damning information on Hilliary, the Lying Media rides to the rescue.

05/15/16   The computer tech firm hired by the DNC to examine the committee's email server--the one the DNC claimed was hacked by the Russians--says it was indeed a Russian hack; DNC still refuses to let the FBI examine the server to confirm the claim.

05/16/16     Two weeks after FBI director Comey drafted statement exonerating Clinton before interviewing her or her key aides, he circulates the draft to his top aides, asking for comments.

05/15/16   Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ "associate deputy attorney-general" Bruce Ohr, is hired by FusionGPS.  FBI says Ohr never disclosed this key fact, which would have made it impossible for the FBI to legally obtain the FISA warrants used to wiretap conversations by officials in Trump's campaign.

06/04/16   The Washington Post reports, as fact, that Russians hacked the DNC server.  The Narrative continues.

06/12/16   Wikileaks' Assange announces that more Clinton emails will be published  

06/15/16   FusionGPS hires ex-MI-6 agent Christopher Steele to find dirt on Trump; funding is from Hilliary campaign

06/15/16   After reviewing Comey's draft letter clearing Hilliary of all wrongdoing, FBI agent Peter Strzok suggests changes in the wording of Comey's statement: recommends replacing the phrase “grossly negligent” (which is a criminal designation) with “extremely careless," which carries no legal penalty.

06/27/16   Obama's Attorney-general Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton in her government jet parked between two hangars at the Phoenix airport.  Lynch claims the meeting was a total coincidence, that the two just happened to be in Phoenix at the same time.  Says they only discussed golf and grandchildren, nothing about the FBI's investigation that has the potential to de-rail Hilliary's quest for the presidency.  Meeting gets little air-time; media buys the "coincidence" Narrative with no questions.  Others are...skeptical.

07/02/16   Hilliary interviewed by FBI agent Peter Strzok for 3.5 hours.  Astonishingly, she is not placed under oath (thus not sworn testimony, under which false statements would be subject to perjury charge) **nor is the interview recorded,** either electronically or by a stenographer.
   This is an unprecedented breach of normal FBI procedures.  Significantly, no one seems to have asked Strzok if he sought approval for this radical junking of normal procedures, or to say who approved it.

07/05/16   FISA Court denies FBI request for surveillance of Trump campaign

07/05/16   FusionGPS contractor Christopher Steele shares Russian "dossier" with the FBI

07/05/16   FBI director Comey testifies live on national television before the House committee on government oversight; falsely says only the lowest level of classified info was found on Clinton's email server.  Falsely says even this was unintentional.  Falsely says U.S. law requires "intent" for someone to be charged with a crime.  Says he will not recommend any charges against Hillary.

07/06/16   A.G. Loretta Lynch accepts Comey's recommendation not to charge Clinton for mishandling classified information

07/12/16   While walking home at 4:30 a.m, DNC computer specialist Seth Rich is fatally shot, in what DC cops--absurdly--claim is a robbery, despite fact that the alleged robbers didn't take his Rolex, billfold, cash, credit cards, cell phone or gold necklace.  The time is known exactly because Rich was on the phone with his girlfriend at the time.  She reports hearing voices, then shots.  Killers have never been found.

07/22/16  Wikileaks releases dozens of emails from Democrat National Committee showing DNC undermined Sanders campaign to nominate Hilliary

07/24/16   Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigns as chair of the DNC after leaked emails show the DNC conspired to ensure Hilliary won the Democrat nomination regardless of rival Bernie Sanders' results.
07/25/16   FBI says it will investigate the alleged hack of DNC email server, which the DNC has said was done by Russians.  FBI counterintelligence specialist Peter Strzok--same guy who did the FBI's only "interview" with Hilliary--which was neither recorded nor made under oath--is handpicked to lead the investigation.  Interesting how Strzok keeps popping up in all the critical roles.

07/30/16   FBI opens investigation into claim that Trump campaign "colluded" with Russians to win election.  Once again Peter Strzok selected to lead this investigation.  Amazing.

08/06/16   FBI investigator Strzok texts mistress about a "menace."

08/10/16     Washington Post implies John Brennan may have shared "Dossier" with Obama around this date

08/15/16     Lead FBI investigator Strzok texts mistress about an "insurance policy" against the possibility of Trump winning the election.  Here's what Strzok actually texted to Page:
   "I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office" [apparently referring to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe] "that there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm afraid we can't take that risk.  It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40 . . . . "

08/16/16     FBI writes Congress defending decision not to charge Clinton with a single crime, stating it was ‘extreme carelessness’ and not ‘gross negligence’

08/25/16     Obama's CIA director James Brennan tells senate Democrat leader Harry Reid about possible "collusion" between Trump campaign and Russia

08/27/16     Reid sends a letter to Comey referencing allegations made about Carter Page in the FusionGPS dossier

09/05/16     Two months before the election, Hilliary accuses Russia of interfering with U.S. election

09/09/16  Washington Post claims Trump is "the most unpopular presidential nominee in modern history" and that the only reason the race is still close is because of Hilliary's email server.  (In unintended irony, the Post's slobbering pro-Hilliary piece is published in a column called "The Fix."  Really.)
   "Senior political reporter" Aaron Blake claims the email story is "ruining what might otherwise be a coronation."

09/20/16  Wash Post reports that back in July and December of 2014, user "StoneTear" at Platte River Networks asked reddit users how to remove a VIP's name from email To/From
    "StoneTear" turns out to be Paul Combetta, who would later admit totally erasing the hard drive on Hilliary's private email server beyond possibility of forensic reconstruction.  FBI gave Combetta immunity from prosecution.

09/21/16     NY Times, Washington Post, Yahoo News all briefed by Steele on contents of anti-Trump "dossier"

09/23/16     Yahoo News publishes report based on Russian "dossier" and alleged collusion between Trump campaign and Russia

09/27/16     John Carlin, head of DOJ National Security Division and involved with FISA requests, announces he is resigning

09/28/16     Believing his draft statement clearing Hilliary will never be revealed, FBI director Comey falsely claims his decision to clear Clinton was made *after* FBI agents interviewed her

10/03/16     After NYC cops discover thousands of emails to and from Hilliary on a laptop belonging to Anthony Weiner (estranged husband of top Hilliary aide Huma Abedin), FBI agents seize computer

10/07/16     Wikileaks releases archive of emails to/from Clinton operative John Podesta

10/07/16     Obama administration officially accuses Russia of meddling in 2016 presidential election

10/12/16     FBI agents tell McCabe and Strzok they've found "tens of thousands" of emails to and from Hilliary on Weiner's laptop

10/13/16     McCabe organizes FBI response to WSJ revelations that his wife's campaign was funded by Clinton associates

10/14/16    Strzok's wife Melissa Hodgman given a major promotion to deputy director of SEC’s Enforcement Division

10/15/16     FBI meets with FusionGPS contractor Steele and offers to pay him for more Russian anti-Trump material

10/24/16     CBS reveals McCabe's wife received $700K in campaign donations from Clinton associate Gov. Terry McCauliffe

10/27/16     During Comey staff meeting, McCabe and Strzok are asked why they're sitting on the Huma/Weiner email disclosure

10/28/16     Comey announces he is reopening investigation into Clinton's email server due to information found on Anthony Weiner's computer

10/30/16     Judge Kevin Fox grants FBI a search and seizure warrant for Clinton emails on Huma Abedin's laptop

10/30/16     Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid's writes to James Comey asking him to release "explosive" information on Russian "collusion"

10/31/16     FBI chief counsel James Baker reportedly leaks "dossier" information to David Corn of Mother Jones showing Trump "collusion" with Russia

10/31/16     Clinton campaign issues statement, citing Slate, about server in Trump Tower that secretly communicated with Russia

11/01/16     Despite glaring conflicts of interest, Andrew McCabe waits until now before finally recusing himself from Clinton email probe

11/06/16     After emails found on Weiner laptop are reviewed "around the clock," Comey again clears Hilliary

11/08/16     Stunning all the experts, Donald Trump wins the election

11/15/16     Former associate deputy attorney-general Bruce Ohr secretly meets with FusionGPS founder Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele regarding Russian "dossier"

11/15/16     FBI agrees to continue funding Steele and his "Dossier"

11/18/16     Sen. John McCain told of the Russian "Dossier"; a copy is sent to McCain and key aides

12/09/16     With no evidence, CIA tells Congress they believe Russians hacked DNC to help defeat Hilliary

12/09/16     Unaware that the FBI knows all about the dossier, John McCain gives a copy of anti-Trump "dossier" to FBI director Comey

12/09/16   Obama orders intelligence community to investigate Russian influence on U.S. election

01/02/17     Wikileaks' Assange says the emails he released did not come from Russia; that Obama administration is trying to undermine Trump

01/05/17   FBI finally admits--months after the event--that the DNC refused the FBI's offer to examine their server for evidence of what the DNC has been claiming was "Russian hacking."

01/06/17     Comey briefs President-elect Trump on existence of "salacious and unverified Russian dossier"

01/10/17     Believing Obama doesn't know about the dossier, U.S. intelligence chiefs Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rogers brief Obama on "dossier" and alleged Russian attempts to "influence" Trump

01/10/17  BuzzFeed releases full contents of the anti-Trump "dossier."  At this point (after the election) the only reason is to damage Trump.
01/19/17     NYT reports law enforcement officials "intercepted" communications of Trump officials, including Paul Manafort

01/24/17   Trump-hating FBI agent Strzok asks Trump security advisor Michael Flynn if he'll agree to be interviewed by FBI re alleged Russian "collusion."

01/26/17     Acting A.G. Sally Yates and Bill Priestap inform White House counsel that Flynn was "compromised" by Russian actors

02/14/17     In meeting with Trump, Comey says Trump asked if Comey would consider "letting Flynn go"

03/02/17     A.G. Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia "collusion" investigation, citing prior contacts with the Russian Ambassador

03/20/17   Comey testifies before Congress that FBI secretly investigated potential Trump "collusion" and hid that fact from Congress

03/20/17   FBI director Comey denies accusations that the Trump campaign was wiretapped by the U.S. government

05/09/17  Trump fires FBI director James Comey

05/17/17   DOJ names former FBI director Robert Mueller special counsel to investigate alleged Russian influence on election

06/08/17   Comey admits he leaked his notes of conversation with Trump to trigger the naming of a special counsel

06/15/17   Former DHS head Jeh Johnson admits to Congress that the DNC refused to let FBI experts examine its server for evidence of alleged "Russian hack."

07/07/17   Comey asserts dossier was "salacious and unverified" but was important because media was prepared to report it

07/13/17   CNN reports Trump-loathing FBI agent Strzok is part of Mueller's special counsel investigation

07/20/17  After months of FBI denial and stonewalling, the DOJ inspector-general finally gets copies of the incriminating texts sent by Mueller investigator Peter Strzok to his mistress, using his FBI cell phone

07/24/17   A group of former intelligence professionals says there is no evidence that Russians hacked DNC server

07/27/17  The DOJ's inspector-general tells Mueller and Rosenstein about Strzok's text messages.  In any honest scenario this would have forced the investigation to be halted.

08/09/17  Leftist mag "The Nation" publishes a report showing that the copying of the incriminating DNC emails later published by WikiLeaks was an inside job, not a Russian hack as the DNC has claimed for over a year.

08/10/17  DOJ Inspector-general requests all communications between Strzok and Lisa Page

08/22/17   FusionGPS founder Glenn Simpson meets with Senate committee for 10 hours, refuses to say who funded the anti-Trump "dossier"

08/24/17  House Intel chair Nunes subpoenas DOJ and FBI for documents related to "dossier"

09/14/17  Obama national security advisor Susan Rice admits she surveilled Trump administration after the election and later unmasked the identities of key aides.  Totally illegal.  She's never been charged with any crime.

10/18/17  Two Fusion GPS officials plead the Fifth Amendment during House Intelligence Committee testimony

10/24/17  Washington Post reports FusionGPS and Russian "dossier" were paid for by Clinton campaign and DNC

10/31/17   House Intel Committee asks FBI agent Strzok to testify; **Head of FBI refuses to let Strzok testify--showing that the coverup is still continuing.**

At this point an honest Attorney-general would have demanded that the director of the FBI order Strzok to testify, and if the director refused to do so, would have both fired him and charged him with obstruction of justice.

12/02/17   Washington Post finally reveals existence of incriminating texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and Lisa Page showing glaring anti-Trump bias
12/04/17  CNN reveals Strzok suggested Comey change wording of his statement clearing Clinton,  removing "grossly negligent" term that would have triggered criminal charges against Hilliary    

12/06/17  DOJ "associate deputy attorney-general" Bruce Ohr demoted after it's revealed he secretly met with Fusion GPS, which had secretly employed his wife Nellie.  Amazingly, Ohr isn't fired.

12/06/17   Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff accused of leaking privileged notes of meeting between Trump. Jr and House Intelligence Committee to CNN

12/07/17   Ohr was in contact with Fusion GPS at the same time the FISA application was submitted and granted.  Speculation mounts that his mistress, Lisa Page, submitted the applications for the wiretaps

12/07/17   Rep. Jim Jordan asks new FBI director Wray if info in the anti-Trump dossier was used to secure FISA warrants.  Wray refuses to answer.   Shows that the coverup is still continuing.
12/12/17  CNN releases 375 damning text messages between Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page

12/12/17  Deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe--who was scheduled to testify before congressional committee--cancels testimony after revelations about Nellie and Bruce Ohr's ties to FusionGPS.  McCabe's office claims his cancellation is due to a "scheduling error."  Amazingly, he isn't arrested, nor is he fired.  Think maybe he's a key player in the entire affair, including the coverup?

12/13/17  Deputy A.G. Rosenstein refuses to tell Congress whether the FBI paid for the FusionGPS "dossier"

12/18/17  Demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr fails to appear for scheduled testimony before congressional committee.  Astonishingly, he's neither charged nor arrested, and retains his cushy job at DOJ.
12/19/17  Deputy FBI director McCabe testifies in private to House Intel Commitee; says he's unable to answer questions about the "Dossier"

End of Doug Ross time-line.   


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