December 06, 2017

School teacher watches porn during school hours, jokes about sex in meetings, still teaching

For years Wisconsin was a thoroughly Democrat-controlled state, until a majority of its voters finally decided they'd had enough and elected a Republican governor.  But the corruption that disgusted the state's voters is deeply embedded--as you'll see.

A 7th-grade teacher at a public school was reported by another teacher for viewing and sharing porn on his school computer and with his school email account--during working hours.  The school district investigated and concluded that the allegations were true.  (summary report here).

The district's report noted a comment he had made about a seventh grade female student who was struggling to grasp the material being taught.  It noted that the teacher commented that the girl "should brush up on her blowjob skills because that's all she'll be good at later in life."  The board also found that the teacher retaliated against and harassed the teacher who first reported his behavior.

Charmer, eh?  So based on the findings of its investigation, in May 2010 the board voted to fire the guy.  They also recommended that his state teaching license be revoked.  These actions were reported to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

So far, a big ho-hum, right?  I mean, John Conyers, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer and the whole Democrat elite leadership has done worse, right?  Why bother even noting some low-level perverted 7th-grade teacher, eh?

Ah.'s where it starts to be...significant.
Turns out the local school board can't revoke a teacher's teaching certificate, no matter how unfit he or she is to teach in a public school.  Only the state superintendent of public instruction can do that.

That superintendent was and is a Democrat, Tony Evers.

Democrat corruptocrat Evers refused to revoke the guy's state license, claiming he didn't have the authority to do so.

Interesting.  If the damn state superintendent of instruction doesn't have the authority to revoke a teaching certificate, who does?

It gets worse:  The cunningly-misnamed "Middleton Education Association"--which is the name the teachers' union cleverly adopted--demanded that the teacher be given his job back.  An arbitrator (gee, wonder who appointed him?) said the firing was unfair, and the teacher was reinstated in his original school.

Not to worry, citizen: the Democrat party immediately condemned the teacher's behavior and urged that he be removed from teaching.

Hahahahaha!  Obviously just kidding.  Actually Evers is now running for governor of the state on the Democrat ticket, hoping to defeat Scott Walker.

Corruption.  Sexual harassment.  Dems are evidently fine with it, as evidenced by the Dem superintendent's refusal to remove the offending teacher from the classroom.


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