December 23, 2017

Mainstream media ignores story on Obama admin ending Hezbollah-drug-smuggling investigation

Three days ago the leftist rag Politico ran a bombshell 14,000-word story claiming the Obama administration killed an investigation into drug smuggling by the Muslim terror organization Hezbollah, to avoid offending Iran (patron state of Hezbollah).  The story was extensively documented.

You'd think that would be news of interest to every so-called "news" organization--but apparently your betters in the Lying Mainstream Media disagree:  The alphabet networks have been totally silent on the story--not a single word.  Only Fox is covering it.

Same for most big-city papers.  In New York City, for instance, the Times has ignored it, leaving the NY Post to report it.

Imagine how the media would have reacted if they'd found a story with the same level of documentation claiming the Trump administration had killed a DEA investigation into, say, the Aryan Nation smuggling drugs into the U.S.  Top-of-the-page headlines for a month.

Predictably, members of the emperor's administration squealed that the report was "thinly sourced" and/or all stemming from claims of "disgruntled former employees."  Ah, certainly.  Here's Obama's former driver, suddenly some sort of advisor Tommy Vietor:

Looks like the only way to get the mainstream media to cover the story is if President Trump tweets about it.


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