January 04, 2014

Cable channel host ridicules Romney family for adopting a black child

Apparently there is a liberal propaganda channel on cable called "MSNBC."  One of the talking heads on this channel is named Melissa Harris-Perry.

Last Sunday Perry's show ran a segment called "Funny Pictures of 2013" or something similar.  One of the pictures was the Christmas photo of the extended family of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

One wonders who in the world would consider the Christmas family photo of a former presidential candidate a "funny picture of 2013."  What really happened is that the left-wing trolls who come up with the ideas for the show's segments discovered this photo and saw a chance to ridicule Republicans by pointing out one of the family members.

That would be the adopted black child of one of the Romney kids.  The theme of the joke was that the child was simply a "token black."  Panelist Pia Glenn sang the "Sesame Street" song, "One of these things doesn't belong here."  After finishing the ditty, Glenn says, "And that little baby, front and center, would be the one.”
Another panelist noted that the picture "really sums up the diversity of the Republican party.  At the convention they find the one black person.”

The presentation and the comedian's singing comment was totally, carefully scripted.  Throughout, Harris-Perry laughed approvingly.

This kind of thing is absolutely routine on a huge number of television shows.  A typical example was when Sarah Palin appeared on a show hosted by someone named "Letterman" about five years ago, and when they introduced her the house band played Elton John's "The Bitch is Back."

Hahahahahaha!  That is so clever!

All the hip media laughed with each other about what a devastatingly clever prank the Letterman crew had pulled.  Not a critical word was said.  But with the MSNBC ridicule of Romney's adopted grandchild something absolutely unprecedented happened:

Someone at that cable channel ordered Harris-Perry to apologize.

Which she did, first on Tuesday (two days after the segment) via Twitter.  Then today, nearly a week later, she did an on-air bit, claiming she actually "intended to say positive and celebratory things" about the Romney family's inter-racial adoption.  (Click here to see her alleged apology.)

What utter rubbish:  The only point of the show's creative people choosing to put the photo of the Romneys on was to ridicule Republicans for supposedly having a token black child in their family.  

Okay, I am not a bit surprised that a leftist host on a leftist cable channel would use an adopted black child to ridicule Republicans.  What I find surprising is that some executive ordered her to apologize.

Oh, and if you're wondering about my conclusion that she was forced to apologize, rather than realizing that her alleged intent "to say positive and celebratory things" about the Romney family's inter-racial adoption had somehow been misinterpreted:  If she'd really been misinterpreted she would have hit the Twitter keys in a matter of hours at most.  The fact that it took two days suggests she came to no such realization.


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