February 16, 2012

NBC offers crocodile tears about gas price hike

On some goofy NBC show yesterday (I think it was "We Love Obama" but may have been "Today") Matt Lauer warned viewers that gasoline prices were about to rise significantly.

What they didn't show you was Lauer and other NBC execs laughing at the prospect of you paying a lot more for gas.

We can be confident about that because in an interview with Obozo just after Obozo's election, NBC's head newsreader (Tom Brokaw, I guess) suggested that Obie have the federal gummint *raise* the tax on gasoline so that the total price was $4 per gallon, and use the money for alternative energy and to force consumers to buy smaller cars.

These network jackoffs are ecstatic about you having to pay four bucks a gallon for gas--though they'll pretend to be all sympathetic and serious when they announce that it's coming.

They don't care how much gas costs because they have limos to take them the two miles across Manhattan to work, while you probably commute twenty times that far every day.


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