February 12, 2012

Grand compromise, part 2

If you're not a Catholic or a political junkie you may have missed the on-going dust-up between Obozo and the Catholic church. It concerns Obama's demand that the church offer all its female employees free contraception, including the so-called "morning-after pill."

The church has no objection to being forced to provide health insurance, but to the provision regarding the morning-after pill. The reason is that the pill prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, and the church considers that as amounting to abortion.

Of course this is only an issue because of Obama's (and his Democrat supporters') demand that every employer in the country pay for health insurance for their employees, as part of the new Nationalized Health Care Act. (I may have gotten a word or two wrong on that name.)

A day or so ago, Obozo and munchkins came up with what they considered a 'grand compromise:' They wouldn't force the church to provide contraceptive pills to employees after all. Instead, they would simply demand that every health insurance company supply these services for free.

One must stand in awe of such brilliance, that anyone could devise such a brilliant...eh, what crap. See, demanding that insurance companies provide something "for free" shows that the Obamazoids are both stupid, cunning and contemptuous of your intelligence. And because virtually no liberal or Dem grasps this, I'm gonna try to educate y'all.

See, demanding that companies provide "free" something that isn't free means the company must cover the cost from other income. It can only do this by raising prices somewhere else--or more likely, across the board on all products or services. So the result is that everyone who pays for any product is also paying for the so-called "free" product or service.

The church wasn't objecting to the cost, but to the fact that the govt was demanding that they provide something that Catholicism considers a huge sin. And Obozo's so-called "compromise" doesn't change this at all.

The "cunning" charge comes from the fact that Obozo and his top advisors thought that none of us common folk--educated at ordinary state universities instead of vaunted ivy schools like Hahvahd--would be able to grasp that this so-called compromise wasn't a compromise at all.

The "contempt" part arises from the fact that they knew *someone* out in flyover country would blow the whistle on 'em about this bald-face lie, and yet they apparently decided to go ahead anyway, secure in their belief that the MSM would tout this as a huge compromise and cover up the fact that it was no such thing.

Today (2/12) Obozo's chief of staff, Jacob Lew, doubled-down on the bet, telling reporters that the Obama administration is done negotiating and will finalize its plan requiring insurance companies to provide free contraception to women working and studying at religious institutions.

Predictably, Lew styled the compromise as consistent with his boss's "belief that a woman has a right to all forms of preventive health care, including contraception."

Of course as Lew and Obozo both know quite well, no one is claiming women don't have the right to any desired form of health care. Instead the argument is over whether the government has the right to force employers who believe abortion is a great sin to provide what amounts to abortion services.


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