February 13, 2012

Obozo's chief of staff lies about senate's failure, blames Republicans

Jack Lew is Obozo's new chief of staff. He's also a lying, cunning political hack.

Which of course makes him perfect for his new job supporting Obozo.

He's been in government damn near forever--he was Bill Clinton's budget director, then Obozo hired him for the same position before naming him chief of White House staff.

Yesterday Lew appeared on one of the Sunday news shows, and made the following statement:
You can’t pass a budget in the Senate of the United States without 60 votes and you can’t get 60 votes without bipartisan support. So unless Republicans are willing to work with Democrats in the Senate, Harry Reid is not going to be able to get a budget passed.
He's referring to the filibuster. But in fact, budget votes in the Senate can't be filibustered. So did Lew not know this, or did he know it and simply lie on a national news program to blame the Republican minority for the failure of the Dem-controlled Senate to pass a budget?

Either choice was too outrageous even for that Democrat-supporting rag the Washington Post to let pass. They gave it "four Pinocchios," which is their cutesy way of saying he lied egregiously.

I'm not so sure. I think he simply didn't know that budget measures couldn't be filibustered. Hell, I didn't know that, and I'll bet not a hundred people outside the legislative branch did.

But then, we're not the preznit's chief of staff--and former budget directors for two Dem presidents.

Ah, Quality. Where does Obozo find such brilliant aides?


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