Obama: "I want an economy where we're making stuff."
Video here of Obozo speaking at a campaign stop in Las Vegas. (Vid takes about ten seconds to load.) Whereupon Obozo sayeth,
Jus' one tiny tiny question for Your Worship: Do you plan to make that stuff yourself?
Hokay, do you plan to have gummint "workers" make da stuff?
What? No again?
Wel.l.l.l l l...Jus' who gonna be makin' all this "stuff" you talkin' bout?
Could it be...[voice of Satan]... BUSINESSES???
So whatcha' gon' do, Sparky--you gon' order bidnesses to hire folks??
Tell ya what, Sparky: Why don't you try orderin' bidnesses to hire folks, and let us know how that works out for ya.
Of course you *could* tell your goofy EPA to back off, and stop letting the damn State Department have any say at all in whether a company can build an oil pipeline in the continental U.S.
You could also try not making all small businesses provide health insurance for all their employees. You could try not ramming thru and signing a bill forcing churches to provide health insurance that will pay for abortions. Leave decisions about how to run a business to the people who actually, y'know, own and run the business.
But you think you're sooo smart that you won't do any of that. It just goes against you core philosophy--which is that you community-organizer/social redistributionist types should make all the decisions, and everyone else should just salute smartly.
And who knows? Maybe 50.1 percent of American voters are dumb enough to give you another four years to take us deeper into the abyss.
Or maybe your party will contrive to steal the November election, as they did Franken's Minnesota senate seat and the Washington governorship.
On Tuesday at the State of the Union I laid out my vision for how we move forward. I laid out a blueprint for an economy that's built to last, that has a firm foundation. Where we're making stuff and selling stuff and moving it around and UPS drivers are dropping things off everywhere.Okay there, Sparky. We got it--you want the economy to get busy "making stuff and selling stuff." That's just super.
Jus' one tiny tiny question for Your Worship: Do you plan to make that stuff yourself?
Hokay, do you plan to have gummint "workers" make da stuff?
What? No again?
Wel.l.l.l l l...Jus' who gonna be makin' all this "stuff" you talkin' bout?
Could it be...[voice of Satan]... BUSINESSES???
So whatcha' gon' do, Sparky--you gon' order bidnesses to hire folks??
Tell ya what, Sparky: Why don't you try orderin' bidnesses to hire folks, and let us know how that works out for ya.
Of course you *could* tell your goofy EPA to back off, and stop letting the damn State Department have any say at all in whether a company can build an oil pipeline in the continental U.S.
You could also try not making all small businesses provide health insurance for all their employees. You could try not ramming thru and signing a bill forcing churches to provide health insurance that will pay for abortions. Leave decisions about how to run a business to the people who actually, y'know, own and run the business.
But you think you're sooo smart that you won't do any of that. It just goes against you core philosophy--which is that you community-organizer/social redistributionist types should make all the decisions, and everyone else should just salute smartly.
And who knows? Maybe 50.1 percent of American voters are dumb enough to give you another four years to take us deeper into the abyss.
Or maybe your party will contrive to steal the November election, as they did Franken's Minnesota senate seat and the Washington governorship.
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