December 07, 2011

Obama: "Capitalism has never worked."--WaPo

The Washington Post has been a mouthpiece of the Democratic party for my whole life. Accordingly, if they write something mildly unflattering about a Democrat, chances are good that the story isn't fabricated.

A week ago a Post reporter wrote that Obozo said, in effect, that capitalism has never worked.


Seem t'me it works a hellofa lot better than socialism/communism. Need examples? See Cuba, North Korea, East Germany before reunification.

Of course if you refuse to take advantage of a free education (through high school), prefer hangin' on the corner to taking a low-wage job, spend all your money on crack and booze and have no concept of "deferred gratification," it's no wonder socialism is attractive! The gubmint will GIVE you food, housing, and checks. What could possibly be better?

Socialism "works" for those who don't want to or can't. Capitalism works for folks who are self-starters, well motivated. And the results of each system are just what you'd expect.

Funny that Obozo doesn't recognize that.

Or maybe he does, and his support of socialism is deliberate.

Chilling thought.


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