Dems and their allies are counterattacking
The Lying Mainstream Media, parroting the Democrats in congress, claim that in cutting Deep State agencies Trump is exceeding his Constitutional authority, "acting like a king." And as I've been warning for months, the Democrats are just beginning the counterattack, using the Mainstream Media and the lies of Dem leaders like Chuckie Schumer, AOC, Maxine Waters, Al Green, Jamie Raskin, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ilhan Omar and dozens of others.
If you're a Trump voter you may think most Americans approve of Trump's DOGE finding hundreds of billions (if not trillions) in fraud and waste in just the dozen or so agencies they've audited so far, and cutting those wasteful programs. But take a look at the articles from the Mainstream Media below. Every one of 'em claims most Americans disapprove of what Trump and DOGE are doing in rooting out corruption and waste. Click the links below to see for yourselves:
CNN: "Americans worried by Trump’s push to expand power" (meaning *his* power)
MSNBC, quoting Madcow: "Trump makes up an approval rating for himself, defying reality"
Sub-head: "Why is the president brazenly lying about his public support?"
"The New Republic" (communist rag): "Trump Blows Up After Onslaught of Devastating Polls"
Sub-head: "Trump is losing it after a series of polls this week found his approval rate is quickly plummeting"
Leftist shit-site Politico: "Warning signs for Trump in new polling"
Second sentence: "He hasn't done enough to address high prices." For Dem voters: He's been in office for barely a month. But of course the Media sides with Schumer.
Gallup: "Trump's approval rating 45%; Congress' jumps to 29%"
USAToday: "What recent presidential approval polls are saying"
Quoting a Washington Post poll: "More respondents disapproved of Trump's job by 8 percentage points. (Feb 13-18). A majority of respondents (57%) say Trump has exceeded his authority since taking office."
Reuters (communist whores): "Trump's approval rating slips"
Another Gallup article makes his approval rating seem worse by averaging the rating with his first term! Wow, what brazen, lying propagandists!
No matter how much you may hate the Mainstream Media, it isn't nearly enough.
There's a well-known principle in both advertising and politics called the "bandwagon effect," that when people think the "cool kids" are doing X, they wanna do the same thing. This is what powers fads, and everyone has seen this first-hand. But eager wannabees don't think it applies to them. See, people who desperately wannabee "cool" never think dey iz doin' somethin' just cuz duh cool kids are. Ohhh no! Instead they think they came to that decision all by themselves--because that clearly makes them cool.
SOoo...all the Dems have to do is flip a mere TWO seats in the House in the midterm elections and that will end all possibility of ending the waste and outright, utter, brazen fraud in govt spending.
And because the two-vote margin is so tiny, watch for the DNC to pour $20 million into EACH of four likely flip seats in the midterms.
Also, at some point a Supreme Court ruling will go against Trump. It'll be a 5-4 ruling, with Amy Coney Barrett voting with the liberals. That will be the start of the cascade, with the Lying Media bleating "SEE, duh Supreme Court agrees wif us dat Trump haz exceeded his authority! He must be impeached!"
Watch for this. The ruling most likely to go against him will be on whether he has the authority to refuse to spend every dollar appropriated by congress. That's "impoundment," and the Dems have already filed lawsuits claiming this.
The grifting sons of whores posted this just 16 days after the election, cuz they knew Trump had promised to cut waste--meaning cutting the budgets of corrupt leftist agencies in government. The grifters didn't wanna lose their fat, corrupt contracts, so they wanted to get out in front and lead public opinion against any cuts. Here's the key quote
Was impoundment legal before the Impoundment Control Act?
No. “The president doesn’t have any constitutional authority to withhold, doesn’t have any inherent authority to withhold,” explained the general counsel of the GAO, the office given authority to enforce the ICA. Despite its name, the Impoundment Control Act did not make impoundment illegal; it already was.
That's a brazen lie. Let me explain:
I'm one of those weirdos who's actually read the Constitution, and it's totally silent on whether the president must spend every dollar appropriated by congress. Not a single word.
Wait, I hear a thousand learned grads of fancy Ivy League law schools bleating that I'm wrong. Okay, sparky, show us the line in the Constitution that orders that the president spend every dollar appropriated by congress. Take your time.
Back so soon? Yeah, cuz it doesn't take long to read Articles I and II, eh? And those don't say a word that you and that dipshit organization cited above claim it says.
The idea that the president MUST spend EVERY dollar appropriated by congress arose from when the Dems were demonizing Nixon in 1973. Nixon tried to prevent a bit of Deep State grifting by refusing to spend every dollar appropriated by congress, and the Dems and Deep State went nuts. The liberal-majority Supreme Court--whose members hated Nixon--ruled that even though the Constitution never directly addresses this, duh Founders HAD to have meant that.
But of course the Founders never said that, nor wrote about it. Not a word. But the SC said they HAD to have meant that.
Coming off this great win for the Deep State, the Democrat-ruled congress passed the "Impoundment Control Act of 1974," with veto-proof majorities. The embattled Nixon signed it into law on July 12, 1974--just three weeks before he was forced to resign.
In 1994 the Republicans won control of both the House and senate for the first time in 40 years. They were eager to work with Democrat president Bill Clinton to cut spending, and generously passed a law giving the president the power to veto individual spending items--the "Line-item Veto Act." It passed with huge majorities. But as you already guessed, the Deep State immediately sued, and the Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional.
Anyone with a functioning brain immediately recognizes that forcing the president to spend every dollar appropriated by congress is an insane interpretation--because if it stands, it means the Deep State can never be de-funded by as much as a single dollar.
Now, the great AI overlord agrees with the Democrats and the anti-Nixon court ruling, and the court's ruling overturning the Line-item Veto Act. It's possible the SC could reverse those, but you can count the number of times that's happened on one hand. The last time a decision the Dems didn't like was leaked--May 2, 2022--saying the court would likely overturn its 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade--the Dem mobs took to the streets, blocking traffic in front of the DC homes of the conservative justices. There's a specific law prohibiting that, but neither the corrupt, lawless bribem regime nor Democrat mayor of DC Muriel Bowser did anything, since neither wanted to anger Democrat voters.
This time it will be much worse, as there's an army of perhaps 10,000 recently fired former gruberment employees still living in DC who will be eager to intimidate the justices into voting their way.
The Dem mayor of DC, Muriel Bowser, won't enforce the law, so Trump will likely order federal marshals to arrest the protesters--since the law specifically bars protests in front of the homes of judges. And of course you can already guess how the Media will couch this: "Trump has banned free speech in duh U.S.!!!"
Regardless of how the SC rules, this will be the beginning of the preference cascade that will result in a THIRD impeachment for Trump, because four "Republican-in-name-only" House members will vote with the Dems.
Posted Feb 21, 2025.
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