Obama's legacy: "By their fruits you shall know them."
In 2008 guilt-ridden white voters helped elect the socialist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama president.
For his entire campaign the Mainstream Media totally ignored all his ties to his anti-white "pastor" Jeremiah Wright (pull quote: "It's not 'God bless America,' it's God damn America!" That's on video, before AI fakes existed), Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and other race-baiters. Instead the Media portrayed Obozo as someone who would end the nation's history of racial tension.
He came out of nowhere: a history of getting his Illinois state senate challengers disqualified or tarnished (sealed divorce proceedings mysteriously leaked); chosen by cunning Dem leaders to give the keynote speech at their 2004 presidential convention; quickly elected to one term in the U.S. senate, then selected to run for president after just two years and no accomplishments.
Magical, meteoric rise. Unprecedented.
Refused to produce a birth certificate or draft card. (During his campaign for re-election the White House did produce a crisp new "birth certificate," but refused to let anyone actually examine it. His lackeys put a digital version on the internet, and it was quickly found to consist of a dozen "layers." A true pdf (copy) from the state of Hawaii would have only one. You only see "layers" when you're composing a forgery. It was an obvious forgery, but the Media ignored that, saying "The issue of the birth certificate has been put to rest.)
The Democrats showed a copy of what they claimed was his draft registration card. It included his address at the time--including zip code. Problem: The Post Office had changed the boundaries of that Zip code after the date "Obama" supposedly registered for the draft--and the "draft card" used the Zip code of that address today, not what the Zip was when the card was supposedly filled out.
The Media ignored it. See, all Narrative-makers have to do is make something look superficially plausible, which is good enough to convince most Americans.
A lot of gullible wypipo--who fervently desired the peace they believed Obama promised--voted for him. (Anyone recall "We are the people we've been waiting for"?) So...new day in America, eh?
But as soon as he was inaugurated he changed his tune, and for eight years was a total race-baiter. And gullible, guilt-ridden white Democrats ate it up-- because guilt is a VERY powerful driver.
He had a chance to bring Americans together, but instead he deepened the divisions--seemingly deliberately. And his handlers have continued to run Democrat politics to this day.
And as a result, for the next 50 years or so, Americans of all races will suffer from the harm he did.
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