December 26, 2024

Meet Billy Ayers, unrepentant bomb-maker from 1969, now a darling of the Left

Recently young Americans may have noticed that after the ambush murder of the CEO of a big health-insurance company by Luigi Mangione, audiences at Saturday Night Live and other leftist former "comedy" shows have cheered for the killer.

If you saw that, and aren't a leftist, you may have been puzzled.  Why would anyone cheer the ambush assassination of a CEO?

Why indeed?  Let me explain--because we haven't seen the end of this, by a long shot.

If you're a young American, chances are you don't know anything *true* about communism.  If you've heard anything at all it's that a) capitalism is oppressing everyone; and b) communism will fix that,"We'll enlighten everyone about how they're being oppressed."

Ahh, "enlighten," y'say?

Let me introduce you to a leftist piece of shit named Bill Ayers--a retired professor who taught in the College of Education at Illinois U./Chicago:


Bill was born into a wealthy family--his father would later be named chairman and chief executive officer of the giant Chicago utility Commonwealth Edison.  But like so many children of wealth, at age 17 or so Billy's vast experience living in communist paradises around the world (sarc) led him to decide that America and capitalism were evil.  

The logic seems to go something like this: "America is fighting a war to keep the communist North Vietnamese from taking over the South.  Dat bad.  Duh communists beez guuud pipo, an' if we stopped fighting dey wud beez nice to dere frenz in duh South.  Wudn't put 'em in re-education camps or nuthin'.  Also, some pipo here in duh U.S. haz lotsa money, while pipo in duh inner cities don't.  An' duh system beez *rigged* against duh black pipo.  Dat why no black person cud be a 4-star general, or Secretary of State, let alone president!  See?  All rigged!"

There was a time when this goofy reasoning was derided by intelligent people with lots of experience as "freshman logic."  But around 1960 or so, the Left took over K-12 schools, and all universities in "progressive" states, and U.S. "elites" began to swoon over the brilliance of "freshman logic."

So in 1969 Billy founded a revolutionary group called the Weather Underground--usually shortened to "the Weathermen."

The goal of Bill's Weathermen was to overthrow capitalism, which Bill had concluded was oppressing pipo.  Of course this would also require overthrowing the U.S. government, which Ayers had decided existed to defend capitalists.

Then once the communist revolutionaries (Bill's group) had taken over, they'd run America, turning it into a socialist paradise like Cuba or East Germany or Romania.  Billy was sure almost all Americans would welcome being "liberated" from the bonds of capitalism, but if "a few" Americans stubbornly, resisted, it would be necessary to "re-educate" 'em.

One member of the group asked Ayers, "What will we do with the 'few' diehards who can’t be reeducated?"

Ayers replied that they’d have to be eliminated.

When pressed further, Billy and his fellow revolutionaries estimated that no more than 25 million people would have to be "eliminated."

Twenty-five million people.

Hey, "Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs," eh citizen?

The shocker is that most of Billy's fellow revolutionaries were NOT poor or oppressed, but had graduated from prestige universities like Columbia.  Some had post-grad degrees.  Yet here they were, calmly working out the logistics of how to kill 25 million Americans.


To kick things off, the members of the Weather Underground built bombs and detonated them at police stations.  One member said he got specific instructions from Billy that the bombs to be used in one attack should contain shrapnel (fence staples, specifically) and propane bottles to kill more police officers.

Omelettes and eggs, citizen.

When one member pointed out that the plan to detonate a bomb outside a Detroit police station involved placing the bomb near a restaurant which had mostly African-American customers, and would likely kill innocent civilians, Ayers replied "Innocent people have to die in a revolution."

In 1969 Ayers participated in planting a bomb on a statue dedicated to police casualties.  The blast destroyed the statue, but months later it was rebuilt and unveiled on May 4, 1970.

Five months later other revolutionaries blew it up again.  (Black Lives Murder would later refine this productive tactic into burning down several square blocks of Minneapolis while Tim Walz wrung his hands and mewed.)

After a decade on the run from charges related to bombings, Ayers came out of hiding around 1980.  He was tried but got off with no punishment due to a technicality.  Later he'd be photographed standing on an American flag, with the quote "Guilty as hell, free as a bird.  Is this a great country or what?"

And it gets worse: He was later hired as a college professor (University of Illinois at Chicago), and has served on numerous boards and foundations.  He remains completely unrepentant, saying he doesn't regret setting the bombs, and wishes he'd done more.  He's an avid fan of Venezuela’s communist dictator Hugo Chavez.

You might ask yourself:  How could any self-respecting U.S. university hire this admitted bomber as a professor?  Same with the numerous boards of directors and foundations he's been hired by.  The answer is that the socialist rot in the U.S. is far deeper than you ever imagined.

If I'd told you in 1970 that 38 years later a majority of Americans would elect as president a candidate who *refused to produce his birth certificate before the election, and for four years afterward--and then only produced an obvious forgery--you wouldn't have thought that possible.

And yet it happened.  Same with Billy Ayers.  The Mainstream Media don't want young Americans to know any of this, because knowing would allow Americans to fight back.

Ooohhh, can't have *that,* eh?  


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