July 14, 2024

Video showing snipers on the roof looking at the assassin's location 7 minutes before...

When president Kennedy was assassinated, the plotters knew some pipo would be taking photos of the motorcade, and might get a pic of the impact.

What they didn't plan on was Abraham Zapruder taking movie film of the entire sequence of shots, that conclusive proved the final, fatal head shot came from in front of Kennedy instead of from behind.

For Americans who know little about this, the official investigation (coverup) concluded that a) there was only one shooter--Lee Harvey Oswald; b) firing exactly three shots from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository;  c) using a scoped rifle, later found to never have been "sighted in."

That means if you put a target 60 meters away in the cross-hairs of the scope, you'd miss by several feet.

And yet...the American public bought the obvious lie.  Then all that remained was to have another killer kill Oswald--who in his one filmed statement in custody said "I'm just a patsy."  Which he was.

Now: Imagine if, instead of one 8mm film, the Kennedy assassination had been covered by dozens of hi-res, professional-grade digital video cameras, and hundreds of cell phone cams.  It would be a LOT harder for plotters to convince Americans to ignore all the loose ends their eyes could see.

Obviously I don't know if the CIA or FBI or Secret Service were involved in yesterday's assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but I can tell you that all three agencies are corrupt to the core and will lie like rat-bastards to avoid the truth being revealed.  So save every video record--like the one below.

Look at the snipers below.  They have tripods and binoculars, but don't have rifles mounted or firing positions set up.  It takes time to do that.  But at 7 minutes before the shots something has their attention, eh?  They're looking at the building where the shooter ended up.

Now:  Many spectators claim they saw a man with a rifle on top of the building up to three minutes before the shots, AND that they were yelling at SS and cops, pointing to the rooftop.  But they said both the cops and SS blew off their warnings.  So we'll need to see how far the shooter needed to crawl from where he got on the roof to his firing position.  That could easily take several minutes.  If so, it's possible that the snipers already had eyes on the guy 7 minutes before he fired.


The same video shows that at 42 seconds before the shots, both snipers had mounted their rifles and were in firing position, eyes on scopes.  This takes time.  How long depends on the individual's experience and haste, but a couple of minutes is a good ballpark number.  So the point is, the two government snipers had the assassin in their sights well before the latter got off any shots.

Yet they didn't fire.

"Well, see, we aren't allowed to fire jus' cuz we see a guy with a scoped rifle in a firing position.  And even if we do, unless the guy fires we have to get permission from duh White House, to shoot first!"

Think they'll try that excuse?

Now: whoever posted the video claims the snipers in the vid did NOT fire.  I can't tell.  All we know-- with absolute certainty--is that the would-be assassin got off at least three shots before he was shot.

So the question is: If the snipers had a firing solution on the would-be assassin before he fired, why didn't they shoot before he did?  Why did they wait?

Then you think: Jack Ruby taking out Oswald--who would otherwise have ratted out whoever recruited him in exchange for not getting the death penalty.

It's like Seth Rich --the computer tech wizard for the Democrat National Committee--being murdered by two shots in the back, and the Media casually parroting the FBI line that the murder was simply a "botched robbery."  Botched, eh?  The killers didn't take his Rolex or gold chains or billfold or cell phone.  Yeah I'd sure as hell SAY it was botched.  And if "robbers," why would "robbers" shoot the guy in the back?  Nah, bro, he was murdered.  But all that was necessary was for the plotters to claim it was a "botched robbery" and everyone would nod sagely.  After all, all sophisticated DC citizens know that happens a dozen times every day, eh?

SO...if any government agency is in on this, there will be dozens of "loose ends"--little details that would expose the lie if not discredited or ignored.  Almost every attempt to alter reality has those, but the plotters don't worry cuz people are gullible, and very few know enough about tech stuff to say "This is horseshit."  Which makes it easy for the plotters to discredit those few as "conspiracy theorists," eh?



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