December 25, 2023

Dem eco-freaks were poised to ORDER min % of of EVs when a big storm hit, and...

In late October the state environmental agency of Maine was a day away from a vote to mandate that in ten years 82% of all new cars sold in that Dem-ruled craphole had to be electric.

Roll that around in your head for a minute.

If moronic, tyrannical pols DECREE that a certain percentage of cars be electric, what do ya think would happen if the stubborn, deplorable citizens failed to obey, eh?

Sure: the tyrants would slap a huge state tax on gasoline, or add $100 to the yearly licence renewal, to punish anyone who didn't have an EV.

And if that didn't do the trick, just double the penalty, eh?  At some level of fines, the pain will force the disobedient to comply, eh?

Well...just before the vote on the EV DECREE, a big storm hit, causing widespread power outages.

The bureaucrats at the Maine Board of Environmental Protection decided that voting to ORDER residents to buy 82% EVs just after huge electrical outages might show citizens the con.

But people have short memories, so after a couple of weeks Democrat tyrants like governor Janet Mills will go right back to ordering residents to buy electric.

At last count natural gas and coal were the source of 67% of all electricity in the U.S.  But because the idiots running the biden regime (and the Obozo regime before that) want to kill all carbon fuels, the EPA has imposed severe restrictions on U.S. natural gas production, by imposing harsh rules to reduce methane emissions.

Those rules will make it much more expensive to explore for and produce natural gas--which of course is the point.

At the same time, the EPA is imposing harsh restrictions on coal use.  Because the cost of compliance is so high, utilities
have already announced plans to dismantle almost half the existing coal fleet within the next six years.

The attack on the fuels that power two-thirds of U.S. electrical output will cause your electricity bill to spike, and will reduce reliability of electrical supply.

Of course the biden regime and its lackeys in the EPA don't give a damn.  Their stated goal in doing this is to "reduce global warming," but the orders will have almost no effect on global CO2 output.
The real objectives are getting you to obey, and to cripple the economy.

Mobility is freedom.  The communists of the former Soviet Union controlled the movement of their citizens by requiring internal passports.  Democrats aren't ready to try that, so they use the threat of Global Warming to get Americans to hobble themselves.



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