September 30, 2023

Liberals baffled to learn Islam is actually a religion and doesn't support "transgenderism"

Recent piece in the LA Times:

"For months, hundreds of religious parents have regularly rallied outside a Maryland school board building, aghast at books in the elementary-school library that portray homosexual acts.  Waving American flags, protesters have chanted against the indoctrination [grooming] of their children. They’ve sued to pull their kids out of mandatory lessons.

In battles against LGBTQ+ acceptance it's been white evangelicals pushing for book bans [no books are banned] or boycotts over beer brands or bathing suits.  [but] In this case, Muslims are leading the fight.

The controversy in an overwhelmingly blue Washington, D.C., suburb highlights a shift. Muslims are speaking out about what they see as intolerance of their faith."

Short answer:  Democrats can't believe the Muslims they've been loving on for three decades would be rude enough to disagree with any policy of the Democrat party!

When Hillary was bleating that "deplorable" Trump supporters were Islamophobic, Democrats parroted that with glee.  But now the Dems are discovering that Muslims and Trump supporters have found common ground: both groups are tired of being bullied by fanatic LGBT operatives who are actively pushing the gay and tranny agenda on elementary school kids (and every other public-school student)--and the Dems are freaking out!

In DC, Virginia and Maryland Islamic organizations are organizing protests against local pro-tranny schoolboards--and Dems are in shock!

The LA Times also noted--with barely-concealed horror--that after a 95% Democrat city near Detroit elected an all-Muslim city council, that council banned flying the LGBTQ/"pride" flag on all city buildings.  How dare they?!!

And that's just the first domino to fall: Muslim residents in nearby Dearborn, where close to half of residents are Muslim, are pushing for the same thing.  Last fall Muslims joined Christian parents in derailing a school board meeting that pushed an LGBTQ curriculum.  Democrats don't know how to stop Muslims and Christian parents from allying to oppose the tranny agenda, and they're worried.

One wonders whether Dem politicians just never knew that many Muslim nations execute gays, or whether they knew but just failed to connect the dots that Islam thought same-sex relations were forbidden.  

A liberal chair of Hamtramck's "human rights commission" [yeah, small cities really need to spend taxpayer dollars on crap like that] defied the ban on flying LGBTQ flags on city buildings, and the all-Muslim council fired his ass.  The clueless Democrat told the Times, “When they wanted to broadcast their call to prayer from mosques, we defended them. When Muslims were being accused of hate crimes [for attacking Christians and Jews] we stood by them, and we opened our arms when they were refugees."  He can't believe the folks his party eagerly supported actually oppose Dems on grooming in public schools!

Former Hamtramck mayor Karen Majewski echoed the sense of bafflement:  “There’s a sense of betrayal.  We supported you when you were threatened, and now our rights are threatened, and you’re the ones doing the threatening.”

Karen, how are your rights being threatened by parents who don't want their kids to be pushed to change "genders" by leftist public school teachers?  How do you come to think that's your "right"?

Karen also bleated that 18 years ago a white, majority-Christian city council in 2005 passed a law to allow Muslims to blare the call to prayer five times a day from high-power speakers on the city’s mosques.  White city residents objected, but the white council ignored their objections and passed the law.  And now the former mayor was baffled that the Muslims wouldn't support gays and trannies after her regime had supported them.

A gay former council member said “We welcomed you. We created nonprofits to help feed you and find housing. We did everything we could to help you, and this is how you repay us, by stabbing us in the back?”

Of course it makes perfect sense: the Democrats got to show their virtue--and by total coincidence, to sign up hundreds of thousands of new Democrat voters.  So naturally they expect that the beneficiaries of their taxpayer-funded gifts will show total loyalty.  And when they find the Muslims don't like gays, they're baffled.  Outraged.

It's fascinating:  The supreme court has ruled no government entity can display the Ten Commandments in a public building, but gay pride flags are perfectly legal.  Can you say "double standard"?

If an all-Christian city council had banned the Pride flag, liberals would have blamed Christians, denounced council members for "homophobia" and "transphobia," and sent mobs of protesters into the streets to intimidate the council into reversing the ban.  The local paper would have been filled with letter denouncing "hetero-normative, patriarchal white supremacy."

But when an all-Muslim city council bans the pride flag from city buildings, the Left and Democrats are paralyzed!  How do they decide which side they should support?

Either way they choose, the abandoned former ally can accuse them of the exact thing they've trafficked in for decades: calling them either Islamophobic or homophobic.  It's a baffling dilemma.

Of course the real fear is that Christians and Muslims have finally found a common cause. Both want to protect their children from LGBT indoctrination in public schools.

Not to worry, comrade:  In a month or so their strategists will have figured out how to thread this needle, and the Mainstream Media will get busy churning out "opinion pieces" showing Americans the solution to the former problem.


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