September 29, 2023

How much oil does the U.S. use per day? How about the world? What does it mean?

Unless you're in the oil business or invest in energy stocks, you probably don't have an accurate idea of how much oil the world uses every day.  Fair enough.  

So take a guess.  Then after you do, highlight the next line to see the answer.
 101.5 million barrels per day.  That's around 4.3 BILLION gallons every DAY.

Now: in the last 3 months the price of oil has risen by ten bucks a barrel.  That increase adds a *billion dollars a day* to what the world's consumers pay for anything that uses oil.

The U.S. uses about 20 million barrels of oil per day, meaning that same $10 increase in oil prices will cost U.S. consumers an extra $200 MILLION dollars every day.  If we assume (just for the sake of easy analysis) that there are 100 million "families" in the U.S., that's an extra sixty bucks per family per month.

Democrat: "Dis not true!  Consumers don't pay higher price for oil!  It's paid by duh companies dat make and move stuff!  Dear Leader assures us that he's ordered companies to absorb any increase in oil prices!"

Congratulations, once again you've proven that most Democrat voters are so stupid that they shouldn't be allowed to vote or hold office.  Do I really need to explain the basics of economics to you stupid bastards?  Cuz clearly you never took Econ.

I don't have time to educate you.  You can either do your own research (oh yeah, that'll happen) or remain stupid.  I don't care either way.

SO...the point was that with the higher price of oil, keeping the same amount of consumption costs the average family an extra sixty bucks a month.  You didn't know because the Lying Mainstream Media will never tell you--partly because they don't understand it, and partly because the biden/garland regime's huge hostility to oil and natural gas is partly to blame for the higher prices.

Ooohhh, can't have that, eh citizen?

But don't worry, folks!  The regime tells you not to worry, cuz worry about the future tanks the stock market.

Ooohhh, can't have that, eh?

"Duh economy is BOOMING," right?  At least that's what Porridgebrain's faaabulous black lesbian press secretary keeps telling the shills in the press briefings, so dey believe it.  And of course every Mainstream Media outlet dutifully parrots what she tells 'em.  And Americans believe the Media cuz... well, they've nevah lied to ya before, right?

I wouldn't want to make anyone worry, but that's not a problem because only a handful of people read my blog.  I'm just doing this to make a record, to show that everything that's gonna happen was and is totally predictable.

Obviously I'm not the only person able to connect the dots.  Try James Howard Kunstler or Karl Denninger, among many others.  But most of the folks who do this for a living are liberals and government analysts, and they literally are not allowed to tell the truth.  If they did they'd be fired.

Finally: People claim that if I really believe what I write, I must be terribly unhappy.  Not at all.  My life has been (and continues to be) fabulous beyond anything I could have expected.  I do feel sorry for young Americans who will have to cope with what Democrat policies have done to them.

The real outrage is that none of the history written of this disaster will ever identify the utter, unremitting stupidity of the policies of the Democrat party that caused it.  Which means no one will have any idea how to fix it.

We're rapidly becoming Mexico-North.  And Democrats will say it's absolutely faaabulous.  Oh, you bet, sparky. 


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