September 30, 2023

If you thought the economy was great under Trump, liberal rags will set you straight

When the latest ABC/WaPo poll results were released (showing Trump leading Porridgebrain by nine or ten points), all the "elite" "journalists" (i.e. Democrat shills) went into overdrive to explain that the result was NOT-- and could not possibly be--accurate.

At New York Magazine (not New Yorker, but certainly twins), the beta soy-boys used every rationalization and projection in the book--larded with outright lies--to reassure their liberal Democrat readers that the poll was wrong.  Even the WaPo quickly bleated that they thought their own poll was wrong.  (They called it "an outlier," i.e. wrong.)

So let's unpack just two 'grafs in the soy-boy propaganda piece, to show ya how they do it.

It seems that a significant share of voters are buying Trump’s argument that he built a sensational economy before COVID, and then the 2020 election interrupted his fine work.

Clear implication:  The economy was never "sensational" under Trump!  Okay, maybe the U.S. was "energy-independent" for the first time in 80 years, but dat jus' uh aksident, comrade!  No matter that Obama and Hilliary and the entire fellating parrot-class of the media elites sneered "You can't just drill your way to energy independence," and then under Trump we did just that.  Ignore that, peasants!  Obozo and Hilliary NEVAH said nuffin about the stupidity of drilling for independence!  Dat jus' a right-wing lie!

The soy-bois again:

The Trump “boom,” of course, was arguably just a situation he inherited from Barack Obama.

Oh you bet, sparky!  Everything good that happened under Trump was due to Obama policies, eh?  Cuz see, Obama was dis' magical wizard, an' his policies--eagerly, fawningly praised by fellating Democrats--were all rousing successes, right?  Like...the government taking over health insurance ("Obamacare") by lying that it would cut prices, then forcing taxpayers to "give" illegal invaders supposedly "free" health insurance!  Yeah, "FREE."  You bet, dummy.  Rousing success, eh?

But to Americans who have been disgruntled with the economy since the pandemic unhinged it, the early Trump years look good in retrospect...

In case you didn't get it the first time, here it is again:  You just thought the economy was good under Trump.  It actually wasn't, but you deplorables are too dumb to know a good economy from a bad one! 

This way of viewing the economy also robs Biden of credit for incremental improvements in economic conditions during his presidency.

Ah, so Porridgebrain has made "incremental improvements in economic conditions," eh?  Name one, sparky.  That's complete, utter horseshit--which the soy-bois are telling you is pure gold.  Been to a grocery store lately?  Filled your gas tank?  The soy-bois want you to ignore what you see, and what you pay.

It’s entirely possible there is simply a lag in public perceptions of the economy...

Didja get that?   See, duh economy is akshuly booming, citizen!  You just don't see it cuz of duh "lag in public perceptions of duh economy!"  Yeh, dat's duh ticket!

But...there are potential economic storms on the horizon that could intensify unhappy-voter perceptions. The odds of even higher energy costs (including gasoline prices) beyond the administration’s control is just one vote-killing peril.

Didja spot the offered excuse there?  Sure: "even higher energy costs [are] beyond the administration's control."  They want you to believe the Dems can kill U.S. oil and gas exploration with NO effect whatsoever on gasoline prices!  To believe that the Obozo and biden regimes can ban coal-fired powerplants without doubling the price of electricity, and so on.

See, to the moronic soy-bois who fellate the Democrat party there is no such thing as cause-and-effect, no such thing as "the law of supply and demand."  Economics is whatever they say it is on any given day.

And 40% of Americans--Democrat voters--eagerly believe every word of every column.



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