May 22, 2023

Marxists have taken over a new branch of "science"

Wokie leftists constantly scream at us that “language matters.”  And it turns out they’re right...just not the way they intended:

What they demand is that us normal folks not use words in their normal meaning, and instead force us to use words the wokies have defined in such a way as to totally divorce rational though from reality.

If you're skeptical, try going into a crowd and announcing "Men cannot get pregnant."  Be prepared to be assaulted.

But you might think that at least scientists would be allowed to use words in their usual, normal context--since to do otherwise introduces an extra layer of unnecessary confusion, as when a newzpaper refers to a tranny male killer as "she" and "her," as every mainstream paper in the western world now does.

(Readers: If you find one that still refers to men pretending to be women as "he," kindly let me know.)

The latest attempt by the wokiez to ban common words is brought to you by a marxist pod called the "Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Language Project" (EEBLP).  This cesspool of clearly leftist, mostly tranny pseudo-scientists from universities in the U.S. and Canada was launched in February of this year (2023) with the goal of seeking to "decolonize" the language of their field.

See, you didn't realize that evolutionary biology is steeped in white supremacy, "colonization" and cis-heteronormative oppression.

That sentence has such a ring of truth to it, eh comrade?

The wokie marxists at the EEBLP boldly declared their credo in a “Team Statement of Positionality.”  (If you're unfamiliar with the term ‘positionality’ you're almost certainly a "class enemy" of the Good People at the EEBLP.)  

Those Good People demand that everyone in their field “critically assess their terminology,” asking whether it helps “celebrate dominant narratives or oppressive norms.”

For the naive unwoke, "oppressive norms" include the silly belief that there are only two human sexes.  (For young Americans that would be ‘male’ and ‘female’.)  Also note that the marxists set "dominant narratives" in opposition to "oppressive norms," meaning that the wokiez are now claiming their definitions are "dominant."  Interesting.

As always, attempts to bludgeon people into using only the marxist definitions are couched in terms of "protecting" people who are...well, just so fragile that it would be just awful to use words in their usual meaning.

The leftists at the EEBLP claim they're only trying to make self-proclaimed ‘vulnerable’ minority groups "feel safe in the field," but the terms they seek to erase take a look:

Their website links to an article in which a black American herpetologist complains that the traditional term for capturing lizard specimens in the wild is “noosing,” as biologists try to put a loop around the reptile's necks to immobilise it.  But according to the author, “Being the only Black person out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of white people talking about noosing things is unsettling.”

Seriously?  This is the kind of person who shrieks at seeing the term "master bedroom" in a real estate description.  Same for "master switch."  "Blacklist."  "Blackout."

So the marxists at EEBLP now specifically list the word “noose” as a “harmful term.”

Other biological terms the marxists are banning include “non-native” and “invasive,” used to describe flora and fauna from abroad.  As you guessed, the marxists bleat that these are “anti-immigrant” and “militaristic.”

It gets even more absurd when the EEBLP takes on the language of sexual reproduction.  For example, the term “harem”--used for decades to describe a group of females gathered by a dominant male gorilla, is banned. “Perpetuates offensive stereotypes of human cultures, particularly those of the Middle East."

Oh, and it also "evokes a sexualized human power structure in which women are assumed to be subjugated to men.”  Ah.  So it tacitly admits that females are less physically powerful than males?  Wow, we totally can't admit that, as it implies the two sexes may have some innate differences.  And of course the Left absolutely refuses to admit that obvious fact.

The Leftists also want to ban the archaic, reactionary terms “male” and “female.”  Seriously.  The marxists claim those terms “reinforce silly ideas of a sex binary, with its cis-normative and hetero-normative views.”  Instead the leftist word police demand scientists use the terms “sperm-producing individual” or “egg-producing individual.”


And of course the oppressive labels “mother” and “father” are absolutely out, as they merely “perpetuate a non-universal, heteronormative and cis-normative view of the parenting and birthing process.”  The marxists demand that parents (human or non) be called “sperm-donor” and “egg-donor.”

The EEBLP is mirrored by another marxist organization called Gender-Inclusive Biology (GIB), which aims to “grow a gender-inclusive curriculum” for K-12 students, largely by convincing toddlers that various animals are trans.

As you already guessed, GIB provides its own list of forbidden terms to hep teachers warp reality.  Instead of calling girls “females,” GIB demands the term “estrogen-dominant body” instead.

GIB introduces students to animals that reproduce in odd ways.  The favorite is sea-horses, since “Boy sea-horses have a pouch where the girl sea-horse places the fertilized sea-horse eggs. This allows the boy to be pregnant and care for the growing babies. This daddy carries the babies until they are ready to be born.”

Most of us learned this as kids, but back then it was presented to show the amazing variety of nature.  The marxists use this one-off oddity to claim that gender is totally arbitrary.

And notice that the marxist indoctrinators are happy to use terms like "boy," "girl" and "daddy"--which they insist be banned--when it helps normalize gender-bending concepts.

The GIB and EEBLP people claim to be scientists, so they must know males and females exist, and that there is at least some inescapable physical and biological basis for that distinction.  But when a false ideology--in this case the delusion that men can become "real" women and vice-versa simply by declaring it to be so--seeks to overcome reality, the pushers must pretend their *demanded* words are more real than the actual things they refer to. 

It’s the only way such ideologues can hope to prevail. 



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