May 13, 2023

Leftists are driving hard towards their next goal: legalizing sex between adults and minors.

Yes, that title is correct:  The latest goal of the Left is legalizing sex between adults and minors.

But Leftists recognize that there's still huge opposition to legalizing sex between adults and kids, so they're using a cunning, brilliant tactic:  they're disguising that goal by re-framing it instead as a "basic right," "need" or "health" of...wait for it...the minor child.

If you're a normal American you naturally don't believe that.  It is literally beyond your capacity to believe it--because you just don't think any leftist pedophile would actually be crazy enough to put that in writing, eh?  I don't blame you--it sound too over-the-top even for the rat-bastard Left.

But it's real.   Read the report issued in March of this year--just two months ago--by the International Commission of Jurists of the United Nations, demanding that all consensual sex between adults and minors be decriminalized.  Here's the quote:

Consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, sexual orientation or gender expression of the people involved *or their marital status,* may not be criminalized in any circumstances.

Clear, right?  But removing the phrases between "conduct" and "may not be" makes it even more clear: "Consensual sexual conduct... may not be criminalized in any circumstances."  If the child consents, it's legal, period.

This is not a translation error or sloppy wording.  They're saying exactly what they mean.  If that wasn't specific enough to convince you, try this:

"Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual, in fact if not in law.

Translation:  "It doesn't matter if your state or nation says adults can't have sex with 12-year-olds.  We faaabulous "jurists" working for the corrupt U.N. hereby overrule that silly restriction." 

The enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacities of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.

Note that the phrase "under 18 years of age" is an illusory constraint:  It's there to make the casual reader think the "jurists" are about to protect under-18s.  But it's an illusion: they don't give any lower limit to the supposed age at which a child can be deemed to have the right to consent to sex with an adult.  Starting to get it yet?

And note the cunning use of "equity" principles to claim that persons under the age of...well, any age...have the "right to be heard in matters concerning them."  This is designed to appeal to the sense of fairness that most people have.  "Deez ten-year-olds iz pipo too!  Dey has duh right to be heard in matters concerning dem!"  Sounds SO reasonable, eh?

But we don't let 15-year-olds have cars, or allow them to make decisions on nuclear weapons, or serve on juries, or vote, right?  Why is that, if as the U.N. muckymucks claim, dey has duh right to be heard on matters concerning them"?  Because we adults have determined that kids don't have a lot of sense.  Yes, some do, but most don't.  

We protect them from making decisions that will harm them.  But the pedos at the U.N. want to prevent you from doing that.  You may well wonder if they have a motive other than fairness, eh?

Are you beginning to understand that NOTHING you thought was "beyond the pale" for even the depraved Left is in fact beyond them.  What next?  Forcing governments to provide taxpayer funded drugs to addicts?  (Already proposed.)  Banning "ordinary" people from eating meat?  Forced sterilization unless you're an "elite"?  (China already tried that for a couple of decades.)

As I noted earlier:  They U.N. "jurists" meant exactly what they said, and said what they meant.  And if you don't believe it (and I don't blame you), read their entire DECLARATION here.


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