End of Title 42? Tens of thousands of illegals entering the U.S.? Nah, haven't seen it.
As biden's DECREED recission of Title 42 took effect, and tens of thousands of illegals who'd been camped out on the Mexican side of the border walked across and were immediately put on buses to be taken to U.S. cities far from the border, leftist rag Politico spun the story to benefit the bidenharris regime this way:
The termination of the Trump-era public health order spurred a new surge at the already strained southern border, where a growing number of migrants from Central America continue to flee violence, poverty and economic and political instability with hopes of seeking refuge in the United States.
So according to Politico "a growing number of migrants...continue to flee violence, poverty and economic and political instability." They're cast as poor "refugees." And sure enough, virtually all are claiming asylum, since the NGOs helping them have told them claiming asylum lets you stay in the U.S. without any hearing. And they're "seeking refuge" all right: Refuge from a harder life to an easy one. Most are really coming for the freebies: free money, free housing, free medical care, college scholarships pushed by "woke" university goofballs. It's okay, you don't need to believe that.
President Joe Biden has warned of a “chaotic” period ahead, as the U.S. adjusts to a patchwork of policy solutions from the Biden administration, including a new rule that will bar most people from applying for asylum if they cross the border illegally or fail to first apply for safe harbor in another country.
The alleged "new rule that will bar most people from applying for asylum" is bullshit. A smokescreen to fool American voters into believing that many of the invaders will be sent back. The key is the "if": By biden's DECREE, everyone who claims they're seeking asylum is legally entitled to enter the U.S. So the first part of the alleged "trigger" is horseshit. Now the second: NGOs have told "migrants" to claim they applied for asylum in some other nation first. And of course the U.S. can't prove they didn't, right? (Hard to prove a negative.) So the alleged "new rule" is smoke and mirrors.
But hey, why should you care, right? After all, feeding, housing and paying the invaders $2,000 per month won't cost YOU a cent! The bidenharris regime will simply borrow the extra money from China! See? And money we borrow from China is free!
At least that's what the regime and the Mainstream Media want you to think.
And the po' asylum-seekers won't be taking jobs from Americans cuz...um...dat jus' a "right-wing scare story!" Yeh, dat it.
SO...the reason you haven't seen any video about this is that there's really no story here at all, citizen. Just a few seconds of videos of peaceful, well-behaved "refugees" peacefully boarding buses for Nashville and Kansas City and Chicago. See, we Mainstream Media outlets know you're really busy, so we're careful to only bring you important newz. This isn't important. If it was important, you can be sure we'd tell you about it.
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