March 16, 2023

Coastal values come to the heartland

For decades, the self-styled "elites" on both coasts have sneeringly referred to the area between the "trendy" coasts as “flyover county”  States south of Dem-ruled Minnesota and Illinois are often derided as "the Bible belt," or “Jesus land.”

The "elites" sneer that any American who doesn't fully embrace their views is backward, stupid, unenlightened.  Knuckle-dragging mouthbreathers.  Residents of small towns in flyover states are derided for flying American flags, for being depicted as imagining homemade apple pies cooling on every windowsill.

It's always been thought that the residents of flyover states have been predominantly churchgoing, patriotic, moral.  But that's changing: The full suite of "wokie" values have now hit the heartland--and are finding support.

Consider what are cunningly called "all-ages Drag shows.”  "All-ages" means parents are encouraged to bring their kids.

"Drag shows" have been around for decades, but years ago "drag queens" were jovial, campy gay men in evening gowns, performing what was basically comedy.  But today comedy has been replaced by raunchy, X-rated strip-shows, with moms and grandmas applauding and encouraging their young kids to stuff dollar bills into the performers' thongs.

Of course cities in flyover country have always had strippers, hookers and X-rated movie theaters.  The difference is that until recently young children were never allowed to attend.  More significantly, moms never wanted to bring their kids to regular strip clubs.

Question is, what's changed to now make bringing kids to watch today's drag queens acceptable?
In Plano, Texas last fall, an “all-ages” drag brunch was held at an upscale strip mall.  Video from the event shows a four-year old girl staring in shock as the male performer twerks and grinds.

The women watching--and interestingly the adults are almost all women--and laughing as this man rip away a little girl’s innocence, *look* normal.  Yet for some inexplicable reason they think it's fine to bring their kids to this.

How did these women concludee that the debauchery so popular with the trendy coastal "elites" was perfectly acceptable?

My guess is that by bringing their kids to a drag queen show, these women are showing how trendy they are.  I suspect they view their actions as "standing up to the patriarchy," "embracing diversity."  

Bringing your kids to drag brunches is just the most visible sign of how deeply trendy "gender ideology" has penetrated our whole society.  Core values seem to be vanishing--and once they're gone, everything devolves to Philadelphia's Kensington Avenue. (google it)

The women who excitedly bring their kids to these shows seem to have embraced what the coastal elites--the folks who decide what to put on TV--have been pushing.  They may have their grandma’s pecan pie recipe taped to their fridge, but the rest of the refrigerator is decorated in Pride paraphernalia.

Picture a "woke" single mother taking her seven-year-old son to a drag brunch, laughing as he stuffs dollar bills into the male performer's pants.  What will her son think of as normal?

They’ve traded in their grandmother’s classic Christian values for praise on social media.

Such mothers eagerly support "counselors" in their kid's school who convince their kid that he or she is "the wrong gender" and needs to "transition."  Such mothers see themselves as being on the "cutting edge" of a trend, and love being there.  The kid never stands a chance of being able to resist the combined forces of the schools and mom.

Last month a viral Twitter video showed how powerful the schools are in getting kids to "transition."  In it a man demands that his grandson’s preschool teacher explain why she forced his four-year-old grandson to put on a dress at school—twice.  The teacher--clearly angry at being called out--tries to shut him down by telling him that he’ll have to “speak to her director.”

This preschool teacher is happily breaking this man’s four-year-old grandson, and sneeringly ignores the grandfather's complaints.  Short of taking your kid out of public schools, there's no way any parent or grandparent can prevent this.  (For college-age readers, taking your kid out of public schools is essentially out of reach for 95% of parents.)

Here's an all-too-common story from a mom in the heartland:
“My 12-year-old daughter recently came to me and said she was transgender and wanted to be a boy. As a Christian mother the only thing I could do was to help my son [sic] transition, so he could be the young man God intended him to be.  Support your kids—it’s what God wants you to do.”

Claiming God or Jesus supports puberty-blocking drugs, giving kids cross-sex hormones and then "gender-affirming surgery" is extremely common in this group.

This woman, Jill Wallace, has 63,000 followers on TikTok.  In a 2020 video “Mama Jill,” as she calls herself, says “If you’re LGBTQ and your parents don’t accept you, I’m your mama now.” Then a disturbingly creepy looking bald man with a long white beard leans into the camera and says, “And I’m your daddy.”

He looks like the guru of a sex cult, complete with dead eyes.  His nose piercings, which might strike flyover residents as bizarre, wouldn't raise a pierced eyebrow on the coasts.

He posted another video where he practically begs gay and trans children to let him be their daddy.  Meanwhile the Left keeps repeating its claim that "there is no evidence that 'grooming' exists."   

In video after video "Mama Jill" implores “queer” children to come out and let her be their mom.  She and her creepy husband are TikTok pied pipers to vulnerable kids primed by the schools to believe they're "trapped in the wrong body."  

Every one of the "trendy" ideologies ripping our nation apart—critical race theory, transgenderism, climate change—originated with "academics" in "elite" universities.  They're instantly picked up by K-12 public school boards and adminishits as mandates.  One can't get career advancement--to principal, superintendent, federal positions--without embracing the mandates.  

"Flyover country" has historically been a reservoir of traditional values and goodness, but now that seems to be waning, replaced by what's billed as a "more sophisticated" set of values.  The Left wants you to believe that these supposedly "sophisticated," "enlightened" values arose organically.  Their followers even claim God and Jesus support these values.  (The academics themselves wouldn't invoke God or Jesus lest they burst into flame.)  

Of course the idea that God and/or Jesus supports these "values" is an unsupported assertion:  every one of these so-called "enlightened" values originated with godless academics.  While the Almighty seems to favor compassion, claiming God supports sex-change surgery seems a huge stretch.

Since our nation was founded, one of the core American values has been to raise healthy, moral, well-adjusted children.  Part of that used to include a moment of student-led prayer before classes began.  Then an unelected federal judge said you couldn't do that.

The Ten Commandments seem like a reasonable set of principles.  They used to be displayed in courthouses around the country.  Then an unelected federal judge said you couldn't do that, and they were all removed.
For a long time now the idea of raising "moral" kids has been ignored by the "elites."  Instead we have the putative "president" naming a tranny to the top "health" position in the nation.  The faux president invites a flamboyant tranny to the White House to explain that the surgical mutilation of children is a good thing.  

When values are lost, ALL values are inevitably lost.  It just takes time.

Example:  Would classic “American values” allow the imprisonment for two years, without bail or trial, of nonviolent protesters?  (Hint: the Constitution itself prohibits "excessive bail."  You'd think refusing to allow any bail would violate that, eh?)

Would American values allow the government to hide exculpatory evidence of their innocence from their attorneys?

Would "classic American values" allow half a dozen government agencies to demand that social media remove posts the regime didn't like?

Would classic American values allow the president to order all Americans to submit to a barely-tested, ineffective injection?

What code of conduct should we live by?  Corrupt academics say "We will tell you what is permitted."

Increasingly, anyone who chooses not to embrace the mores pushed by a morally-bankrupt government is persecuted.

To what do you owe your allegiance and support?   

H/T "Peachy Keenan" at American Mind. 


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