October 06, 2021

Healthy 15-year-old dies within two days of taking the vax; local paper rushes to totally rule out any link

On June 7th, in Sonoma county, CA (wine country) a healthy 15-year-old boy died in his sleep.  Because he hadn't had any known health problems, the county performed an autopsy.

The autopsy found one problem: cardiomyopathy--an enlarged heart, with "arterial inflammation."  No guess as to why.

The family provided one other piece of information:  Just two days earlier he'd had the second shot of the Pfizer vax.

The local paper immediately jumped to reassure readers that there was absolutely no reason to think the jab had ANY bearing on the kid's death.  No connection whatsoever. They insisted that it’s absolutely impossible to prove that the jab was the cause of death.  Which is literally true.  I mean, look at the number of gunshot victims, or victims of motorcycle crashes, who made it to emergency rooms last year just an hour or two before dying.  

Of course ordinary people--who don't know Science--were quick to blame the gunshot or crash for the death of their loved one.  But smarter Sciency people--being highly trained n' all--said "Not so fast, stupid!  You just think the gunshot killed him cuz he died within an hour after he was shot.  But us real scientists will find the *real* cause of death.  

Which, of course, turned out to be...Covid.  

See?  Real sciency types are trained not to jump to conclusions about the cause of death. 

The so-called "experts" pushing every American to take the jab initially claimed *no one has died from the jab.  Later that became "You can't prove the jab has killed a single person."  Still later that morphed into "Well, while it MAY be technically possible that a tiny handful of people have died after getting the jab, it's probably only a few--which has happened with every vaccine, ever, so shut up."

Besides, no matter how close the timing, it’s absolutely impossible to prove that the jab was the cause of death.  Cuz y'know, a few healthy 15-year-olds drop dead every week in the U.S, from totally unknown causes, right?  No one ever bothers to investigate those deaths because, well….you can’t *prove* the death is linked to any one cause, so why should we waste our time, eh?

Doctors and CDC experts just chalk it up to “shit happens, we don’t know why so there’s no reason to get excited, citizen.”

Try this thought experiment: Suppose a thousand perfectly healthy 15-year-olds dropped dead in a year, and the only common link anyone could find was that they’d all gone to a shooting range with dad within a week of death. Ya think the NY Times and WaPo and CDC wouldn’t be screaming to high heaven that “Mysterious deaths all had something in common: visit to GUN RANGE within a week before death!!!!!”
….You’re damn right they’d be screaming. They’d be seeking an emergency injunction to block everyone under 20 from going to a gun range until the causal link was found–even if it took years!

But when 15-year-olds die within two days of taking the jab?  “Hey, people drop dead all the time and we can't figure out why.  So shut up.”

And to top it off: the CDC has RULED that this kid's death won't be counted as the death of a vaxxed person!  

Yep.  They've issued a RULE that people who take the vax shall only be *declared* vaxxed 14 days after they take their second shot (or the first shot of a one-jab vax).

The reason was that they didn't want people who got covid right after getting the vax to mess up their lie that the vax kept you from getting the virus.  But the rule also had the accidental benefit (at least for the jab pushers) of drastically reducing the number of deaths that were reported as occurring among fully-vaxxed people.

So if a million young Americans died within 24 hours after taking either the first or second jab, the fucking CDC would NOT count the deceased as being vaxxed–which totally hides the true incidence of deaths that might be linked to the vax.  How faaabulously convenient for the vax pushers!

Y'know, looking at that CDC RULE that refuses to count people who die within two weeks of getting the jab as being vaxxed almost makes you suspect the "experts" and vax pushers are trying to "cook the books" to hide something.

Nah, government officials would never do something like that, would they?

Hahaha!  No way.  Next you'll be claiming Trump-haters in government used the FBI to intimidate people like Mike Flynn and Roger Stone with 5am armed raids or somethin'.  Geez, all the wild conspiracy theories!

Just remember:  It's absolutely impossible to prove that the vax has caused a SINGLE adverse effect.  So if, despite the best efforts of the CDC, you hear stories about healthy 15-year-olds--or 30-year-olds, or any other young person--dying a day or two after taking the vax, remember that people drop dead all the time for no reason at all!  Doctors just chalk it up to "We just can't know why."

And keep repeating:  "Safe and effective.  Safe and effective.  Safe.  And effective."


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