June 11, 2021

Biden*harris's official budget replaces "mothers" with a new term to control the language

One of the first rules in the communist playbook for how to take over is:  take control of the language, changing the names of things so no one can tell good from bad, sane from insane.  There are hundreds of examples: "Counter-revolutionary" is the commie term for anyone who opposes them, since to communists, "revolution" is good.  Similarly, "gender-affirming therapy"is their term for sex-change operations.  People the communists don't like are called "oppressors," even if they've never actually oppressed anyone.

Thus when we saw the heretofore unknown (except in among Leftist faculty members) term "birthing people" in biden*harris's proposed federal budget, we caught a whiff of that putrid stench of communist/Leftist language theft.

"Birthing people" is Leftist language theft for "mothers."  But why in the world would anyone replace the short, historically familiar term "mothers" with a longer, clunkier, less-descriptive term, eh?

This decision was made by the tranny lobby, which apparently control harris*biden's inner circle of advisors.  Why else would someone insert the clearly absurd term in an official harris*biden document?

While a couple of congresscritters have asked the regime's flacks to define the term (Biden's head of the Department of Health and Human Services couldn't define it), not a single reporter has asked either Biden or Harris the obvious next question:  "WHY did your team insert this non-word into the official budget?"

Two reason: To suck up to the tranny mafia, and to assert their total control of something as seemingly basic as our language.

Surely you heard about this, right?  Nah, cuz the Mainstream Media didn't consider it worth telling you about.  "After all, it's just a couple of words, right?  Words aren't important, citizen."

Wait...if you claim words aren't important...why did you replace "mothers" with your bullshit term?

One wonders how long it will take before the regime will make using the word "mothers" instead of their preferred "birthing person" a hate crime.

Think that won't happen?  Then consider this:  Before January 21st, would you have predicted that one of the regime's first-day acts would be to DECREE that biological males could compete against girls in girls' sports?  Yeah, didn't think so.

Below is a screenshot of the budget containing the new word the regime has officially used to replace "mothers."  Thanks, Democrats!


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