May 16, 2021

Wokie craziness at work at Penn State. Woof!

Penn State has jumped on the wokie wagon.

The public university will replace pronouns such as he/him/hers with they/them/theirs; replace traditional student designations such as freshman and sophomore with “first year” and “second year.” 

The reason for trashing "freshman" is obvious:  Can't have the dreaded 3-letter fragment "man"in any word in wokieworld, eh?  But it's harder to see their objection to the innocuous "sophomore."

The "preferred name and gender identity policy" was passed by a student-senate committee three weeks ago.  Its resolution states, “Terms such as ‘freshmen’ are decidedly male-specific, while terms such as ‘upperclassmen’ can be interpreted as both sexist and classist. Terms such as ‘junior’ and ‘senior’ are too much like western father-son naming conventions.” 

Seriously, the committee actually wrote that they deleted "junior" and "senior" because those terms are "too much like western father-son naming conventions.

“All people must be able to choose their name & gender identity, and all documents and systems must be inclusive,” they wrote.  When a reporter asked what the student-senate wokie committee planned to do about words like "regimen," the result was a baffled look.  "I don't think that's really a word," said one committee member.

The committee also demanded that the nations of Yemen and Turkmenistan change their names to stop offending persons self-identifying as females or as non-binary-gendered persons.

When a reporter asked if the committee had decided on an approved substitute for the obviously gender-biased word "person," since it ended in "son," the result was many blank stares and a lot of yelling, which became louder when the reporter asked the same question about "mansion," "manual," "manufactured" and "arson."

Amazingly, a few social-media posts mocked the committee's wokie ruling!  One commenter wondered how much longer the nickname of the university's football team--the ‘Nittany Lions’--would last, since "lion" refers to the male of that species.

Now here's the twist:  The woke ruling wasn't in the student senate, but was done by the FACULTY senate.  Yep, this is what academia thinks is most important today:  Making sure your kids bow to 57 genders.



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