May 31, 2021

OSHA scraps rule that employers report workplace-related injuries...for employees killed or injured by the forced vax

 If you don't think that the fix is in when it comes to the harris*biden regime forcing Americans to take the vaccination, consider this:

In April the website of the federal "Occupational Safety and Health Administration" said that businesses that chose to FORCE employees to take the vaccine if they wanted to return to in-person work would have to report any adverse reactions from the vaccine.

Now--as anyone with functioning brain cells could have predicted--OSHA has scrapped their earlier rule that had required businesses to report all adverse reactions to the vax.

Yep, so employers that choose to FORCE employees to take the vaccine if they want to return to work won't have to report adverse effects from the vax.  Isn't that too, too convenient?

Here's the Narrative for scrapping the earlier demand that businesses report adverse effects:

"[The Department of Labor] and OSHA...are working to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations.  OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and does not wish to disincentivize employers' vaccination efforts."

"As a result, OSHA will not enforce...requirements that employers record side effects from the COVID-19 vaccination..."

Interesting, eh?  OHSA's mission is (ostensibly) workplace safety.  If a company forced workers to do anything unsafe, OSHA rules say the company must report it.  And until last Friday, that was the rule.  But now, mysteriously (not), the regime has now authorized employers to FORCE employees to perform--getting an injection they don't want--and has waived the normal, usual rule that employers had to report adverse effects of that practice. 

It's just amazing how totally...uh... flexible things like rules and laws can be when a lawless, totalitarian regime is running the country, eh?

Sources: 1) English translation of bafflegab bureaucrap; 2) original bafflegab right from OSHA

(In the OSHA bafflegab, scroll 90% of the way to the end, under "Vaccine related.")


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