December 18, 2020

With election over, after the AMA screamed for months that HCQ was unsafe and untested, NOW they finally admit...

The anti-Trump establishment is constantly wrong, but never called on being wrong.  So they never have to apologize for their lies about the president, or retract their lies.  But once in awhile they slip, and quietly publish a reversal that confirms they lied months earlier.  They just do it so quietly that they don't think you'll notice.  Latest example:

If you pay attention to national issues you know within two weeks of the arrival of the Chinese virus in the U.S., president Trump mentioned that a drug approved way back in 1940 or so to cure malaria--a drug taken by roughly 400,000 American soldiers during WW2, and currently being taken by several MILLION people living in zones plagued by malaria --showed great promise against the new virus.

Remember the name of that drug?  Sure ya do: Hydroxychlorquine, oftened shortened to HCQ.

And do you remember how every single organ of the Lying Rat-Bastard Mainstream Media reacted?

Scathing scorn.  Contemptuous dismissal.  The media claimed the president's statement was crazy, would kill innocent Americans!  They claimed HCQ was "untested," and that no reputable researchers had ever found the drug was helpful.

All those claims were utter crap.  Way back in February I read studies--from MDs at real universities--showing HCQ was indeed effective.  I posted about those studies right here.

But the Mainstream Media sneeringly ignored those studies, AND ignored HCQ's LONG history of utterly safe use going back to WW2 and continuing with millions of users today.  The anti-Trump AMA jumped on, issuing dire warnings to doctors not to prescribe HCQ since the corrupt FDA hadn't approved it for use against the virus.

This was amazing, since a federal law was passed way back in 1970 or so that explicitly allowed doctors to prescribe any drug that had been approved to treat ANY disease, to treat some other disease.  That law was often referred to as "Right to Try," and the AMA was very well aware of it.

But curiously (until you know their politics), the AMA was issuing menacing warnings to doctors to NOT apply this right to HCQ.

Gosh, that seems so...odd, eh?

Dictatorial Democrat governors in several states took that menacing warning even farther, issuing written DECREES that they'd revoke the medical license of any doc in their state who dared to prescribe HCQ in an effort to treat patients dying of the virus, despite the fact that prescribing HCQ for that use was totally legal under federal law.  

Wow.  Poor older person is dying of the Chinese virus, and non-doctor Gretchen "Gauleiter" Whitman orders docs not to TRY something legal to save him.  And the media doesn't say a word.

So the AMA knew all along that HCQ was totally safe (except for the one in a million people with a long q-t recovery time), and knew that off-label prescribing was legal under federal law.  But because they hated Trump, they refused to admit any of that since it would have helped Trump.  And would have made dictatorial Democrat governors look not only stupid but criminal for threatening to yank the medical license of docs who followed what federal law allowed.

But now that the stolen election has accomplished what the media wanted (albeit illegally, but neither the AMA nor the Supreme Court nor congress cares), it's safe for the Trump-hating AMA to quietly reverse their earlier sneering, contemptuous warnings not to prescribe HCQ, and its further threats-- issued jointly with two American pharmacist associations-- that members not even fill LEGAL prescriptions for the drug. Indeed, the AMA resolution below goes so far as to require pharmacies to fill this and any other off-label prescription.

Read the resolution below to see how totally the Mainstream Media and the AMA and Dem governors lied to you for months. ya think this is the only crap they've been pushing?


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