Massive election fraud is coming again, January 5th. Just watch.
Believe it or not, it's actually easy to predict the future.
This isn't some sort of psychic mumbo-jumbo, but a serious statement. The key is that it only works when you're dealing with large numbers of people ("degrees of freedom"). Let me explain:
Consider a commuter choosing how to get to work (assuming he still has a job in a locked-down Dem-ruled state). This morning, will he take the freeway, or the surface roads? You can't predict that outcome with any reliability. Yet the overall behavior of, say, 200,000 commuters is utterly predictable, day after day.
Because nations have hundreds of millions of people, even though we can't know what any one person will decide to do on a given day, the overall results of their decisions can be predicted pretty well.
With that as background: On January 5th Georgia will hold a special election to select both U.S. senators. As you may have heard, if the Dems win both seats it will give them 50 senate seats, so that if every member votes on party lines on a given bill, the result will be a tie.
Now because you're all Americans, all of you surely learned in highschool what happens in that case, right?
Right? I mean, you all surely know the rules your federal government is supposed to obey, right?
Hahahahahaha! Just kidding! First, if you're under 40 your highschool didn't teach you about how government is supposed to work. And second, we all know corrupt pols don't obey ANY rules they don't want to, so why bother learning about rules when they're just ignored at will, eh? Yeah, I totally understand. case of a tie, the vice-president gets to break the tie. And guess who the steal--and seven corrupt, cowardly Supreme Court judges--has installed in that office?
Why, the delightful communist--and soon to be prezident--Harris.
So winning both seats would give those wonderful, law-loving Democrats--Chuck Schumer and company--control of the senate. Which means those same Dems would control not just the presidency and the House, but the senate as well. Meaning they'd have the power to pass any law they wanted.
So do ya think the Democrat party might be strongly motivated to win those two senate seats by any means they can find? Duh.
So the easy prediction is that the Democrats will cheat. Now let's look at how that will be done:
Just as in the presidential election, they've already mailed millions of ballots, and among those are at least 50,000 sent to phantoms--people claiming to live in vacant lots, or in businesses (where, just to be sure you get it, no one lives), or to real former residents who have moved to another state (and just to be sure you get it, they can't legally vote in Georgia).
As in the presidential election, the election "workers" won't even try to verify that signatures on the outer envelope match poll books, so will accept obvious frauds. Further, they'll trash and quickly shred the envelopes so it won't be possible to honestly audit the results later.
Just as in the presidential election, "poll watchers"--the people who are supposed to be there to ensure everything is done properly--will be kept 150 feet away from the ballot-counters, making it impossible to verify whether workers even try to match signatures. This will be done even if some court amusingly "orders" poll watchers to be allowed to be close enough to do their job--because the Democrats in Fulton county have the muscle. Corrupt Dem-ruled cops will keep poll-watchers far away, and any poll watcher who objects will be thrown out. And once the "vote" is counted it'll obviously be too late to monitor.
Next, corrupt Democrats at the counting centers will repeatedly feed the same stack of all-Dem ballots into the counting machines. Even if they know they're being watched by surveillance cameras, they'll still do the multiple scans, because they know they won't be charged, let alone prosecuted.
Finally, all the voting machines will be connected to the internet. Yes, that violates election rules, but they'll do it anyway. The internet connection will allow remote operators to change votes at will--something that's already been demonstrated, on video, by one honest election worker in a majority-GOP county. Yes, Dominion software does allow workers to "drag and drop" votes, changing them from one candidate to another.
Now, I hear you honest conservatives saying "None of these things can possibly happen, cuz after all the witnessed illegalities in the presidential election, the courts have ordered..." x, y, z. Oh sure, a few county judges have done that, but not in Fulton county. But far more relevant, even if courts ordered that all the known election-stealing methods be blocked, how would that be enforced?
In Philly, big fat armed cops blocked poll watchers from entering counting centers to do their jobs, even though the watchers had a court order allowing them in. The cops--obeying the corruptocrats--defied the order, and nothing has been done, nor will be done.
So when the Dems win both of those senate seats-- despite massive fraud, captured on video-- do ya think any court will take the case of any citizen anywhere in the country?
Of course not. Because the U.S. Supreme Court has already said not a single U.S. citizen, or state, has "standing" to sue.
The Supreme Court has given the fraudsters the green light to cheat as much as they want.
The court has abolished the rule of law.
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