November 22, 2020

More proof of massive vote fraud. "No," say the media and Dems, "millions of Biden voters just didn't care about the senate !"

In this post I'll explain one of the strongest indicators of massive Dem vote fraud.  I'd like my Democrat friends to try to explain to all of us that the results below do NOT indicate massive fraud, but instead do not in any way, shape or form suggest fraud.  

For young Americans who don't pay attention to politics, for the last 4 years the Democrats have had the majority (thus control) in the House, while the Republicans had the majority in the senate, which enabled the GOP to limit at least some of the most extreme Democrat bills from being passed. ya think the Dems would LOVE to win control of the senate?

Of course they would.

If you understand that...what rational Democrat voter would vote for Biden but NOT vote for the Democrat senate candidate?

The only Dems who would NOT also vote for their party's senate candidate--a vote that could have given Dems control of the senate--would be the small number of voters who knew that their party's senate candidate was a scoundrel, or had a grudge against that candidate.  So we would expect the official, reported vote totals for the Dem senate candidate to closely match the votes for president.

So if the official reported talley for the Dem senate candidate in a given state was tens of thousands of votes LESS than Biden got in that state, what would a rational person conclude?

The OFFICIAL, REPORTED state vote talleys show the following:

Minnesota:  Biden 1,716,207      Trump 1,483,550    Biden "officially" won by 232,657 

Senate race:  Dem 1,565,815      Republican  1,397,602       Dem margin 168,213

So the official total shows Biden getting 64,444 MORE votes than the Dem candidate for U.S. senate.  If you claim no fraud, you expect Americans to believe that 64,444 Democrat voters didn't care a whit about helping their party win the senate.

Does any rational person think that's believable?  Of course not.

Michigan:   Biden  2,806,899     Trump 2,651,270    Biden reportedly "won" by 159,629

Senate race:  Dem  2,737,431     Republican 2,643,552   Official, reported Dem margin 93,879 

So the offical total shows Biden supposedly getting 61,750 MORE votes than the Dem candidate for senate got.  If you claim there was no fraud, you expect Americans to believe that 61,750 Dem voters didn't give a damn about helping their party win control of the U.S. senate.

Do you really think that's plausible?  Believable by rational humans?  Of course not.

Let's try another one:  The Dems were convinced North Carolina was "in play"--close enough to be worth cheating.  Here's that state's official results:

            Biden  2,684,299      Trump 2,758,775       Repub margin: 74,476

U.S. senate:  Dem 2,569,968     Repub 2,665,604   Repub margin: 95,636

Yes, the Republicans won both-- but Biden got 21,160 MORE votes than the Democrat candidate for the U.S. senate.  So again, for Democrats to claim there was NO fraud, you expect rational people to believe that 21,160 Democrat voters--who allegedly voted for Slow Joe for prez--didn't give a damn about helping their party win control of the U.S. senate.

Does anyone think that's even REMOTELY plausible?  Yet that's what the Mainstream Media is ignoring--cuz if more people knew it, they'd recognize the obvious, massive fraud.

The same analysis can be applied to any election to a statewide office.  So for example, neither of Pennsylvania's U.S. senators was on the ballot, but there was a statewide election for "Auditor General."  Results below:

Pennsylvania:       Biden 3,454,523     Trump 3,373,705    Biden reportedly "won" by 80,818

Auditor-general:   Dem 3,120,483       Repub: 3,454,523   Repub won by 209,363

That's a "swing" of over 290,000 votes!  In other words, for the Dems and their media supporters to claim there was no fraud, they expect Americans to believe that 290,000 Biden voters--clearly strongly pro-Democrat, who allegedly took the time to vote--chose NOT to vote for their party's down-ballot candidate.

Okay, it's possible that thousands of Dem voters didn't care about their party's down-ballot candidate.  But 290,000 ?? 

Florida may offer another data point.  All media talkers claimed Florida would be a close race, which would make it a highly attractive target for vote fraud, since if the pundits were right, adding just 200,000 votes to Biden would take the state.

In 2016 the "official total" reported Hilliary as having 400,000 MORE votes than the Dem senate candidate--utterly implausible, since the Democrats were obviously as eager to win senate seats then as now.  But since neither of Florida's senators were up for re-election this year, and no governor's race, how could we get a statewide comparison?

Simple: races for the U.S. House are crucially important to every district.  So I totalled all the votes in Florida's 27 House races and compared those numbers to the *reported, official* total votes for president.  

The official results show Trump won Florida by 371,686 votes (5,668,731 to 5,297,045), but the sum of all *officially reported* votes for each party's House candidates showed Biden supposedly winning 193,028 MORE votes than all Democrat congressional candidates.

For Democrats and their media supporters to claim there was NO fraud, Americans must believe that 193,028 Democrat voters--who allegedly voted for Biden--didn't give a damn about their party keeping control of the U.S. House.

Sure, I don't doubt that 50,000 Florida Democrat voters are too dumb to know that congresscritters stand for office every two years, so that *could* account for some of this margin.  But you want the rest of us to believe that over 193,000 Biden voters didn't care about the Dems maintaining control of the House?  

Does any rational Democrat (??) or any member of the Lying Mainstream Media think that's even remotely plausible?

I'd LOVE to see some Democrat try to make that case live and on-camera.  It's absurd.




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