Expert in vote security, computer vote-*reporting* software and vote fraud files sworn affidavit re: fraud in Michigan
The following is taken from the official, court-filed version of a sworn affidavit filed by an expert in election security, election software flaws and fraud, filed in Michigan. If you read it you'll understand why everyone with an IQ over room temperature knows *in detail* how the Democrats massively cheated in the election--and are working hard with their media friends to block any honest *audit* of the election.
You should also know that despite the Lying Media's constant label, a recount is NOT an audit. A recount simply counts fraudulent ballots without worrying about whether a given ballot was obviously fraudulent. By contrast, an AUDIT attempts to decide whether any particular ballot is genuine or fraudulent.
Look at the six line entries just before numbered paragraph 12: They show that *reported* vote totals--reported by the rigged vote-*reporting* software company itself--was reporting what was claimed to be vote totals every TWO MINUTES. But notice the two right-hand columns, marked "TV" and "BV"--meaning "Trump votes" and "Biden votes."
You can see that every two minutes, both totals are increasing by about the same amount. This is reflected in the percentages, to the left of what are purported to be total votes: They show that for the 12 minutes covered the the entries, the *reported* percentage of the total vote attributed to Trump was either 0.534 or 0.533. The *reported* percentage of votes attributed to Biden was 0.448 or 0.450.
In other words, Biden trailed by 8.3 percentage points. And the rate of change was very slow.
But around 4:30 a.m. the software suddenly *reported* an astonishing reversal, *reporting* that instead of trailing by a whopping 8.3 percentage point, Biden now had a LEAD of 0.3 percent--a huge surge in an astonishingly short time--one that outrageously bucked the trend of very slow changes earlier in the evening. The surge was unrealistic. Unreal. Absurd.
And notice something else: the *alleged* vote total isn't given in whole numbers, but in decimals. Does that make sense? The vote-reporting software should have the actual numbers of votes--but clearly those numbers aren't being reported. Why not?
Now: Most Americans are almost completely "innumerate:" they have almost no understanding of math. So the average voter has no idea what any of the above information means.
End of story. End of fair elections. End of country.
You Democrats supported this massive fraud. No doubt you'll enjoy the benefits it brings you.
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