August 06, 2020

Biden claims black Americans do NOT have a diversity of opinions on things. WTF?

In a livestream from his basement, Biden just said "Unlike the black community, the Latino community is extremely diverse, with a wide range of opinions on things."

To say members of the black community do NOT have a wide range of opinions on things seems not only false, but also an implicit signal to blacks that if they stray from the Democrat plantation they aren't authentically black.

For most politicians--especially presidential candidates--saying something like this would seem to be a recipe for losing.  So naturally you have a hard time believing Biden would say anything so utterly dumb.  So take a look:  (Backup at the bottom of this post in case Twatter deletes the vid.)

  Now here's a prediction for ya: You'll never see, hear or read a word about this on the Mainstream Media, since that would cost Biden votes in November. 

And before liberal Democrats start sputtering the defense that the only reason the MSM would ignore this is that it's not newsworthy, consider this:  How do you think the media would have reacted if TRUMP had said exactly the same thing?   Yep, CNN and MSNBC and the other alphabets would have had it on the air within minutes.

Of course there's a better defense the Dems and their media allies could use if they choose:  Simply claim Biden didn't mean what he said--that he was just a bit confused.

Yeah, I think they might just go with that line.  Uh, no.

Here's another prediction:  Twatter will remove the tweet I've embedded above, without a word of explanation.  If someone presses them on how it happened they'll claim it was an accident, a "glitch."  So below is a backup of the vid, in case it mysteriously vanishes:


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