June 15, 2020

Double standards? Never heard of such.

The Lying Mainstream Media has two vastly different standards: one for Trump, conservatives and Americans living in "flyover country," and another for the groups the media adores.

Of course my liberal PhD friend thinks this is nonsense...tinfoil-hat conspiracy stuff.  Really?  Take a look at two tweets by NBC, about an hour apart.  One shows a plaza in New York City, packed with demonstrators supporting black trannies.  They're packed shoulder to shoulder.  NBC doesn't have a critical word to say.

Then an hour later NBC tweeted about a Trump rally scheduled for Saturday.  But they cunningly add the scare-line "But health experts are questioning that decision."

Interesting.  No warning about health experts questioning the decision to pack a few thousand supporters of black trannies into a square.  No sir, that's perfectly normal and fine.  But when the president's team plans a rally?  Oooohh, the "experts" say you're all endangering your lives.
Read the comments on that tweet. Moron liberal commenters squealed that there was a huge difference, claiming one rally was "spontaneous," and organized spontaneously attende by "marginalized people," while the Trump rally was planned.  Ah.  But of course the black tranny rally was also planned, for well over a week.  Yet the Left expects naive Americans to believe ten-thousand black trannies just accidentally gathered at the same time.  Totally by accident, citizen.

The Left's cunning commenters actually expect people to believe that.  And half of Americans will.

So let's follow what passes for "logic" on the Left:   "We claim the tranny rally was unplanned, which makes it safe, cuz the Chinese virus knows whether the gathering is planned or not.  It also considers the relative virtue of the event when deciding whether to infect attendees or not."

Hey, makes perfect sense to the Left.  Does that "logic" make sense to you?

In case NBC's first tweet ("health experts questioning that decision") was too subtle to scare people enough to make 'em vote Democrat, just 4 hours later NBC doubled down, reposting an AP story with the following headline:

'Extraordinarily dangerous': Trump rally draws grave concerns from top health officials

See, their first tweet, "health experts question that decision," wasn't scary enough.  So they made it scarier.
Repeat after me, citizen:  "The mainstream media is absolutely unbiased, and have your best interests at heart."

Meanwhile, Democrat rulers continue to beat you with double-standards on who they'll ALLOW to gather and who they won't allow:


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