May 14, 2020

List released of Obama "officials" who requested Flynn's name be "unmasked"

Say, citizen, are you okay with federal "intelligence agencies" monitoring your phone calls?

Until Obama took over, Leftists used to scream bloody murder about that.  "You have no right to do that!" they screamed.  "You're violating my Constitutional rights!"

See, the Left is all about your Constitutional rights, citizen.  Totalitarian regimes (China, Russia, Cuba, et cetera) routinely intercept mail and wiretap the phones of ordinary people, but here in the U.S. we have the expectation that our mail and phone calls won't be intercepted by the government without an air-tight showing of "cause," and a court issuing a warrants authorizing the spying.

But there's a huge exception:  The FBI and National Security Agency are allowed to record calls made to or by foreign agents without having to ask permission.  Sometimes such calls are to or from a U.S. citizen, in which case the citizen's name is automatically hidden--"masked"--in transcripts, unless that citizen is the subject of a court-ordered surveillance warrant.

By law, only a handful of government officials have the power to *request* that the name of an American citizen making or receiving a call from foreign agents be revealed--a process called "unmasking."  And because our Constitution gives us the expectation of privacy, this request is not supposed to be granted without one hell of a good reason.  Finally, only intelligence officials are supposed to be permitted to learn the names of U.S. citizens captured on wiretaps.

Now that you're up to speed:  In the last six weeks of the reign of Barack Hussein Obama, at least 16 "officials" (sounds so much more grand than "random shit-heads, eh?) in his administration requested that the name of a U.S. citizen captured on tape be "unmasked."

Eleven days ago the acting director of national intelligence declassified the names of 16 Obama "officials" who requested the unmasking of General Mike Flynn.

Yesterday the names were released.

Some of these officials are in the intel community, so could possibly have a valid reason for seeking the name of the masked U.S. citizen.  But the list also includes people who aren't part of the intel community and cannot rationally be thought to have a need to know.  These include U.S. ambassadors, Obama's chief of staff, Obama's secretary and under-secretary of the Treasury... and current Dem presidential nominee Joe Biden.

If they weren't part of intel, why were they allowed to see Flynn's name, eh?   We should be able to find out, since supposedly a citizen can only be unmasked after a formal, written request that states the need to know.  It'll be intereting to see if any such requests were actually made, and the reasons stated on those requests.



Meanwhile, Leftists/Democrats have already started the Narrative that "Every single request was by the book!  Every unmasking was totally authorized!  Believe us, because we have Twatter accounts!"

Click here and read the Twatter comments from Democrat supporters.  They're a hoot.
Cuz they're all implying that you'd be perfectly fine if what was done to Flynn was done to you.

BTW, one of the names on the list of those who made an unmasking request on Flynn is James Clapper.  Yet Clapper testified UNDER OATH that he never requested that anyone be unmasked.

If an ordinary person lied under oath that would send you to jail.  But of course all top Democrat officials are allowed to lie under oath without penalty.  It's called the "Clinton exception" because it was invoked by both Bill and later by Hilliary before the House committee investigating the dozens of anomalies about the attack on the U.S. consular annex in Benghazi.

Here's the full list of 39 names:


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