CNN loves the coronavirus, uses it to bash Trump
CNN headline:
The FDA is full of anti-Trump leftists. Just sayin'.
CNN--and the rest of the Lying Mainstream Media--has been relentlessly pushing the meme that "You're all gonna die!." That prompted some big-state governors to order "stay home" commands.
And guess what? The economy crashed. Hmmm....
Now the mainstream media wants to delay any recovery as long as possible, because if they can drag the crisis out til September or so, they're confident Trump will lose the election.
CNN headline:
"Analysis," you lying son of a bitch? The only "analysis" you know how to do is to make Americans believe "You're all gonna die!!!" You are a propagandist, and should die as soon as possible to make the world a better place. You're welcome.Trump peddles unsubstantiated hope in dark times
(CNN) To fight the coronavirus, President Donald Trump is adopting the audacity of false hope.
You son of a bitch, Collinson. You just couldn't resist sticking the knife in Americans who have been devastated by losing jobs and/or collapse in the value of their retirement accounts. Did that make you feel good, being able to remind people how devastating this damn virus-- from a CHINESE bio-war lab--has been? Sure. You love it. Schadenfreude. Look it up, asshole. Karma's comin' for ya.For the past two days, Trump has said he is dispensing "game changer" breakthroughs on treatments and a wartime-style effort to mass produce medical supplies that appear as rays of light amid America's darkening battle against the coronavirus pandemic.
His eagerness for remedies no doubt reflects a sincere desire to deliver Americans from the nightmare of lockdowns, fear for loved ones and atmosphere of national trauma. But it is also becoming clear that the President's rhetoric is part of an emerging political strategy. He can't hold the campaign rallies that are his political lifeblood any more -- so he's just moved them into the White House briefing room.
Big-footing Vice President Mike Pence's sober, informative task force briefings, Trump exaggerates facts, bashes China, blames the Obama administration, lauds his once soaring economy and baits reporters while shoveling any blame away from himself.
Actually the White House has pointed out that the previous administration never re-built stocks of vital, life-saving items like masks and ventilators after the 2009 swine flu, despite warnings from their own experts that they needed to do so. But of course that fact doesn't help your narrative, so you ignore it. Typical of your side.As the pandemic spreads like quicksilver across the US and questions mount about the federal government's response amid chronic shortages in hospitals, the White House seems to be trying to get everyone to look the other way.
It's holding out the promise of hope and optimism to shift attention from the reality of alarming rises in infections, a building economic crisis, a shortage of ventilators, the federal government's botched coronavirus testing roll-out, and revelations that doctors were told to use bandanas as masks.
The approach beginning to stir a familiar question: Is he most dedicated to the national interest and reflecting the true state of the crisis or his own political vitality?
Absolutely true. If not for Trump leaning on the corrupt FDA, the astonishingly effective drug combo (hydroxychloroquine and AZT) STILL wouldn't be approved by them for the clinical trials that they demand--despite cures reported by hundreds of outlets (but suppressed by the lying mainstream media and their allies in Big Pharma--who are pushing their own, very expensive drugs.For the last two days, Trump's breakthrough announcement was later revealed to be far less dramatic than its initial billing by an official in his own administration. But in the permanent coronavirus campaign, Trump has his soundbite and conservative media has a new peg for evening shows puffing his leadership.
On Thursday Trump celebrated his own announcement that he had torn down red tape and that several anti-virus therapies used to treat other conditions were now or shortly will deployed in the battle against Covid-19.
"I think it could be a game changer, maybe not. But, I think it could be, based on what I see, it could be a game changer," Trump said.
This is a brazen, in-your-face lie. The CNN article you're reading was published on March 20th. The FDA only approved HCQ for clinical trials on Sunday, March 29th. Look it up. The FDA announced this approval with great fanfare, as if they were on the cutting edge of research, looking out for you, citizen. In reality, if they'd really been competent they should have approved clinical trials of the drug two weeks earlier, when anyone could have read the first report from researchers at the University of Marseilles. I read it. It's as conclusive as something cutting-edge can be.But moments later, FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn said that the several anti-virals, including one used against malaria, were currently in a regular clinical trial coronavirus [sic] and declined to give a timeline when their use might be approved for fighting the disease.
The FDA is full of anti-Trump leftists. Just sayin'.
So you say "There's no doubt," eh sparky? You don't know. You never read the paper describing the French research, eh? And I'll hazard a wild guess that you don't know jack-shit about cell biology, virology or organic chemistry. All you know how to do is bitch and moan, carrying water for your socialist masters who pay your handsome salary. ESAD, asshole.Trump is doing what presidents should do: Pressing officials hard to get results more quickly. His search for treatments does him credit and shows a President willing to experiment, but there's no doubt he overhyped the immediate prospects for the drug.
"Heavy doses," sparky? I'll bet you have no idea what the dose used in the French study was. But you used the scare-phrase "heavy doses" to make it look as though the president was being careless with American lives. How utterly typical of your side.He appeared to ignore the rigorous standards of science to assess drugs that have in some cases had promising results but are nowhere near proven to be effective in eradicating coronavirus. It's not yet clear whether heavy doses of the drugs in question could cause side effects.
Ah, so CNN implies (but carefully does not explicitly state, cuz it's a lie) that the situation in "hospitals" is desperate. But the truth is that even in the big "hotspots" of the virus, most hospitals are virtually EMPTY. Check it out for yourself. Skeptical Americans are driving to hospitals and taking videos of the ER waiting rooms. No lines. No crowded waiting rooms, including emergency rooms. Are there lots of people with the virus? Sure. Are a few hospitals in "hotspots" scrambling for staff? Sure. But when you look at the *additional* case-load, compared to normal, it's so low that you can barely find 'em. Which is exactly what the videos show. (If you're curious, check out the hashtag #emptyhospitals.)And with his premature optimism, Trump appeared to lean heavily to the wrong side of the lesson Hahn learned as an oncologist: "What's also important is not to provide false hope, but to provide hope."His comments suggested a growing theme in the coronavirus fight -- a gulf between the White House's frequent self-praise for its efforts and the situation in hospitals.
CNN--and the rest of the Lying Mainstream Media--has been relentlessly pushing the meme that "You're all gonna die!." That prompted some big-state governors to order "stay home" commands.
And guess what? The economy crashed. Hmmm....
Now the mainstream media wants to delay any recovery as long as possible, because if they can drag the crisis out til September or so, they're confident Trump will lose the election.
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