WaPo moron divides 500 million by 350 million, gets 1 million. MSNBC star agrees.
Most people naturally believe that people who have influential or powerful positions in a country--the folks who are often called "the elites"--must be smarter than the rest of us.
They must be, cuz if they weren't, how could they have made it to the top, eh?
Sure, some of the the so-called elites are smart, but many are not only NOT smarter than you, they're actually stunningly, mind-bogglingly dumb. And just two days ago we saw a really clear demonstration of this.
Happened on MSNBC, which is one of the worst cable networks in terms of lying about damn near everything. A former NBC News reader, Brian Williams, has a show there, and he was chatting with a guest (Mara Gay) who's a member of the New York Times editorial board. So clearly, two "elites" here, telling their eager viewers what to think about...everything.
Mara Gay had found a "tweet" from yet another member of the "elites"--a person named Mekita Rivas, who actually gets paid by the morons at the Washington Post for posing as a journalist.
Let's review: A "journalist" for the WaPo divides 500 million dollars by 350 million people in this country, and with the brilliance we've come to expect from the Mainstream Media, concludes that that sum would have allowed Bloomberg to give every person in the U.S. a million dollars. The real figure, of course, is less than $1.50. Yes, a buck-fifty. So Brian Williams and Mara Gay both passed along the absurd, moronic crap by the WaPo "journalist" as if solid fact. But surprisingly, that's not the most revealing point. Obviously Rivas is stupid, but no one was acting as fact-checker for her personal twitter account so hey, s**t happens. We all make mistakes, eh?
But to understand the real hoot--the thing that shows unequivocally that the elites in the Mainstream Media are both dumb and biased--you need to keep in mind that the show's producers at MSNBC deliberately planned to run this piece: So not only did Brian Williams and Mara Gay have plenty of time to consider whether Rivas's tweet was even remotely true, but the people in the control room took the time to prepare the graphic of Mekita's tweet...and yet not one of these people caught the error.
And yet the Democrats want you to trust this same media empire to tell you the truth about whether the Dems' absurd, mind-bogglingly expensive social proposals are financially plausible. Things like Medicare for All, stopping the use of carbon fuels, fighting "climate change" and the rest of the "Green New Deal" proposed by AOC and her crowd of scientific illiterates.
At some level of demonstrated absurd, ghastly stupidity, rational people need to conclude that the elites simply aren't qualified--not even remotely qualified--to tell you the truth about any of those.
Now for a real hoot, click this link and READ ALL THE COMMENTS!
SO...given the fact that affirmative-action-hire Mekita Rivas thinks 500 million divided by 350 million equal a million, a rational person might think she'd, you know, apologize for her stupidity or mistake or whatever, eh?
Hahahahahaha! Just arrived on the planet, I see. Do enjoy your visit. Cuz the first principle of members of the self--styled elites is, Never apologize. So take a look at how Rivas responded to her major-league stupidity:

Ya know, Rivas, we've heard that before: Dan Rather, once the most highly-paid "elite" on CBS, did a story that was a total fabrication, a hit-piece on GW Bush. When called on it, did he apologize? Did he say he'd been sabotaged by his Bush-hating producer? Nope. Rather responded that the story was "fake but accurate."
"Fake but accurate." Seems as if that's become normal operating procedure for the Lying MSM.
They must be, cuz if they weren't, how could they have made it to the top, eh?
Sure, some of the the so-called elites are smart, but many are not only NOT smarter than you, they're actually stunningly, mind-bogglingly dumb. And just two days ago we saw a really clear demonstration of this.
Happened on MSNBC, which is one of the worst cable networks in terms of lying about damn near everything. A former NBC News reader, Brian Williams, has a show there, and he was chatting with a guest (Mara Gay) who's a member of the New York Times editorial board. So clearly, two "elites" here, telling their eager viewers what to think about...everything.
Mara Gay had found a "tweet" from yet another member of the "elites"--a person named Mekita Rivas, who actually gets paid by the morons at the Washington Post for posing as a journalist.
So we've got three self-styled "elites," plus another dozen or so MSNBC producers in the control room. Watch the result in the clip below:
class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This clip is just
incredible. When he said “if you’re ahead of us on the math,” I thought
he was about to correct the terrible math, but NO. <a
Jessica (Fletcher) O’Donnell (@heckyessica) <a
6, 2020</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"
Let's review: A "journalist" for the WaPo divides 500 million dollars by 350 million people in this country, and with the brilliance we've come to expect from the Mainstream Media, concludes that that sum would have allowed Bloomberg to give every person in the U.S. a million dollars. The real figure, of course, is less than $1.50. Yes, a buck-fifty. So Brian Williams and Mara Gay both passed along the absurd, moronic crap by the WaPo "journalist" as if solid fact. But surprisingly, that's not the most revealing point. Obviously Rivas is stupid, but no one was acting as fact-checker for her personal twitter account so hey, s**t happens. We all make mistakes, eh?
But to understand the real hoot--the thing that shows unequivocally that the elites in the Mainstream Media are both dumb and biased--you need to keep in mind that the show's producers at MSNBC deliberately planned to run this piece: So not only did Brian Williams and Mara Gay have plenty of time to consider whether Rivas's tweet was even remotely true, but the people in the control room took the time to prepare the graphic of Mekita's tweet...and yet not one of these people caught the error.
And yet the Democrats want you to trust this same media empire to tell you the truth about whether the Dems' absurd, mind-bogglingly expensive social proposals are financially plausible. Things like Medicare for All, stopping the use of carbon fuels, fighting "climate change" and the rest of the "Green New Deal" proposed by AOC and her crowd of scientific illiterates.
At some level of demonstrated absurd, ghastly stupidity, rational people need to conclude that the elites simply aren't qualified--not even remotely qualified--to tell you the truth about any of those.
Now for a real hoot, click this link and READ ALL THE COMMENTS!
SO...given the fact that affirmative-action-hire Mekita Rivas thinks 500 million divided by 350 million equal a million, a rational person might think she'd, you know, apologize for her stupidity or mistake or whatever, eh?
Hahahahahaha! Just arrived on the planet, I see. Do enjoy your visit. Cuz the first principle of members of the self--styled elites is, Never apologize. So take a look at how Rivas responded to her major-league stupidity:
Ya know, Rivas, we've heard that before: Dan Rather, once the most highly-paid "elite" on CBS, did a story that was a total fabrication, a hit-piece on GW Bush. When called on it, did he apologize? Did he say he'd been sabotaged by his Bush-hating producer? Nope. Rather responded that the story was "fake but accurate."
"Fake but accurate." Seems as if that's become normal operating procedure for the Lying MSM.
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