December 09, 2019

Socialism--it's what the cool kids are supporting! Just ask Sanders, Warren and the rest's SO COOL, eh?  And you wanna be one of the cool kids, right?

Wait...socialism sucks.  Unequivocally.  But for some bizarre reason most of our so-called "elites" are pushing it like mad.  You might ask yourself why that is.

Saul Alinski has emerged as one of the top socialist theoreticians.  Here's his take on how to create a socialist state.  Note how many of the steps he lists are being pushed by the Democratic Party.
  1. Healthcare. Control healthcare and you control the people 
  2. Increase the poverty level:  poor people are easier to control and will support any party that provides everything they need to live. 
  3. Increase the national debt to an unsustainable level. The more the U.S. must pay to service its debt, the less remains for defense.
  4. Confiscate guns.  Without guns the people can't resist anything the government does.
  5. Take control of the schools.  If children have no idea of the basic principles the U.S. was founded on, they won't realize what the socialist party has changed.
  6. Push the idea that only dumb, superstitious people believe in God.  This nullifies the idea that "all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." 
  7. Fan the flames of class envy.  There are more poor people than wealthy, and the poor will always support taxing the wealthy, even at 100%.  The poor will vote for anyone who promises to take from the rich and give to the poor.


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