December 27, 2018

WTI down 40% in just 10 weeks, 10% in past two weeks; media starts to blame Trump, then...

Enjoying low gasoline prices this Christmas season?  This week we saw lots of stations selling regular for just under two bucks a gallon, something you'd think would be warmly welcomed by hard-working Americans, and praised by the media.

Of course the media haven't said a word about it.  The media only mention gas prices under two scenarios: Republican president and they're high, or Dem prez and they're reasonable.

So did it occur to anyone to wonder WHY gasoline is so reaonably priced?  Be honest: It never occurred to ya.  Cuz the media hasn't said anything about it, so you wouldn't notice.  But here's something interesting:,6,0,333&style=instrument_double_precision&period=OneYear&timezone=Eastern%20Standard%20Time

This is the daily closing price of a thing called "WTI."  If you're a reasonably well-informed adult you know that WTI stands for "West Texas Intermediate," which is a benchmark grade of crude oil.

As you see, on October 3rd it closed over $75 per barrel ($76.90).  Today it closed at $45.65--an amazing, astonishing drop of 40 percent in ten weeks.

The difference between the two prices is worth roughly a quarter of a billion dollars a day to Americans.

Any of you curious to know why it dropped?

If you're a liberal, you couldn't care less.  Your party's leaders have told you repeatedly that oil companies are eeeevil, but they provide a necessary evil, so they'll be tolerated a bit longer.

But seriously:  Has the situation in the Middle East suddenly brightened, so that we're looking at a long period of no threats to the world supply of crude?  Not that I've noticed.

Perhaps the big companies that use crude oil think we're about to see a slowdown in the world economy, so they've cut back their demand, causing prices to fall?  That's more plausible, but hard to see how they'd forecast that so early.

I suspect the real reason is that increased U.S. oil production--with help from Canada--has cut our dependence on imported oil, while also reducing the leverage of foreign producers like Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Wait, I thought just 8 years ago the brilliant Democrats--led by the emperor--absolutely assured you that it was useless, pointless, to increase drilling.  Absolutely useless, citizen!

Hmmm....I wonder: Do they ever get tired of being wrong?


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