"Progressive" Dems have faaabulous new plan to ditch carbon fuel; Dem leaders are climbing on board
Stop-the-presses article in leftist "watermelon" publication:
1) "Everyone agrees that CO2 emitted by Americans driving monster vehicles is fatally changing our climate, killing dear mother Earth;"
2) "Intelligent, responsible, caring, compassionate people--and you are all those things, right?--don't want to kill the Earth;"
3) "Since Americans use more energy per person than any other people, it's only fair that we take the first step to stop this tragedy, by ending our use of carbon-based fuels;"
4) "Everyone knows America doesn't actually need fossil fuels--we can get along perfectly well on wind and solar. Climate Deniers say those aren't reliable enough, but they're all paid shills for Big Oil and Big Coal. Besides, Nancy and the Dems have a plan to pass a law requiring the wind to blow around the clock at specific locations. And you know the sun always shines on some part of the U.S, so solar will work;"
5) "Nasty ol' Rethuglicans say not being able to use fossil fuel will hurt our economy, but what do they know? They're just greedy liars who're trying to kill our wonderful climate--and everyone on the planet. Now, can we put you down as supporting this wonderful plan?"
So...82 percent have never heard a word about this faabulous "Green New Deal," no plausible details have been offered, and yet according to Yale "basically everyone"--81 percent--supports it.
This is from the same people who rammed Obamacare down your throat. Is anyone surprised?
"But this plan will work--just like the Affordable Care Act worked. It has to, cuz we're smaht people--graduates of the absolute best universities, like Yale and Hahvahd. We know how to get our friends in government to resist Trump, so doing electricity has to be WAY easier. In fact, the easiest way to cut America's energy use is for everyone to buy an electric car. Cuz they don't use energy! How cool is that?"
WOW! EVERYONE likes this, eh? Okay, maybe only "basically everyone," but their meaning is clear: This is the next cool thing, and if you wanna be cool you need to go with all the other cool kids and support this! And if you doubt that, check the lede:New Poll Shows Basically Everyone Likes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal
No bias in this rag, eh? Cuz for a second there I was about to conclude this might be a pure propaganda piece pushed by liberals, socialists, communists and the leaders of the "new" Democrat party.
The Green New Deal is popping. New polling released on Friday by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication shows that 81 percent of respondents across the political spectrum support the progressive plan to combat climate change by rapidly weaning the U.S. off fossil fuels.
The findings are stunning but also come with a couple caveats, namely that most people haven’t heard much about the Green New Deal, and they may not know of its connection to incoming representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a bete noire in the right wing fever swamps.
Still, the fact that the idea enjoys broad support in a semi-vacuum shows that before Americans descend into their political bunkers, progressive policies are actually quite popular.First that phrase "enjoys broad support...in a semi-vacuum." As you'll see in a minute, it's a TOTAL vacuum. Second, that phrase "progressive policies are actually quite popular." Says f'n WHO? Oh wait, of oourse: way popular with Ocasio-Cortez and the leaders of the "new" Democrat party.
"..in line with the best available climate science"? This is utter horse-shit. But it IS in line with the lying munchkins at NOAA and NASA who have consistently altered actual temperatures measured decades ago--always lowering them--while raising more recent measurements. And they refuse to turn over the alleged--alleged--computer algorithm they claim made these alterations--totally without any human thumb on the scale! Honest!
The Green New Deal is a set of aspirational goals in line with the best available climate science.
Among those goals are switching the U.S. electrical grid to 100 percent renewable energy by 2030, improving energy efficiency, and setting up policies for a green jobs guarantee while planning a just transition for fossil fuel workers as they move into new economic sectors. If it sounds good to you, you’re not alone.Let's review: 82 percent of respondents said they'd never heard a word about it. Check. So the communists at Yale helpfully (!) "laid out the basics of what it would entail." Check. And does anyone doubt that the "basics" laid out by the pollsters were essentially this:
The new polling numbers (which are based on online polling of 966 registered voters) show that 81 percent of respondents support this idea either “somewhat” or “strongly”. That includes 92 percent of Democrats, 88 percent of Independents, and even 64 percent of Republicans.
But as with all good things, there’s a catch. While support for the Green New Deal is high, most people don’t know much about it. The Yale poll lays out the basics of what it would entail so people weren’t totally blind in answering the question, but when queried about how much they’d heard about it, 82 percent said they’d heard “nothing at all”. The Yale poll also didn’t identify that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is among those pushing hardest or that basically all politicians supporting it are Democrats.
1) "Everyone agrees that CO2 emitted by Americans driving monster vehicles is fatally changing our climate, killing dear mother Earth;"
2) "Intelligent, responsible, caring, compassionate people--and you are all those things, right?--don't want to kill the Earth;"
3) "Since Americans use more energy per person than any other people, it's only fair that we take the first step to stop this tragedy, by ending our use of carbon-based fuels;"
4) "Everyone knows America doesn't actually need fossil fuels--we can get along perfectly well on wind and solar. Climate Deniers say those aren't reliable enough, but they're all paid shills for Big Oil and Big Coal. Besides, Nancy and the Dems have a plan to pass a law requiring the wind to blow around the clock at specific locations. And you know the sun always shines on some part of the U.S, so solar will work;"
5) "Nasty ol' Rethuglicans say not being able to use fossil fuel will hurt our economy, but what do they know? They're just greedy liars who're trying to kill our wonderful climate--and everyone on the planet. Now, can we put you down as supporting this wonderful plan?"
So...82 percent have never heard a word about this faabulous "Green New Deal," no plausible details have been offered, and yet according to Yale "basically everyone"--81 percent--supports it.
This is from the same people who rammed Obamacare down your throat. Is anyone surprised?
"But this plan will work--just like the Affordable Care Act worked. It has to, cuz we're smaht people--graduates of the absolute best universities, like Yale and Hahvahd. We know how to get our friends in government to resist Trump, so doing electricity has to be WAY easier. In fact, the easiest way to cut America's energy use is for everyone to buy an electric car. Cuz they don't use energy! How cool is that?"
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